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Handing Chart for lcn closers
Can the fluid in an LCN door closer be filled out in the field?
The fluid in an LCN closer must not be refilled in the field. See attached Warranty and Repair Communication :
How do you adjust a door closer?
How to: What are the steps to adjust a door closer? Facts: All LCN and FALCON door closers will have 3 regulating valves and a spring adjustment. All cl...:
How do I determine the hand of a door?
Go to the push side of the door opening. See above illustration. If door swings out to the left, it needs a left hand door closer. If door swings out to the right, i...:
What size Allen wrench is used for Closer adjustment?
LCN does not supply Allen wrenches. The size allen wrenches that LCN uses, are standard sizes that every installer will have in their tool kit. 3/32" Allen wrench for adjusting&...:
Can I mount an LCN Cush closer with an GJ overhead stop?
It would be unnecessary to use the CNS/Cush arm and the Glynn Johnson overhead devices in the same application, both mechanisms stop the door.:
How can you tell the hand of a door closer?
First you need to determine if the closer is handed. A handed door closer will only have a single shaft on one side of the closer for the arm to attach to. If the closer is handed...:
Does LCN have a closer or operator for sliding doors?
LCN does not offer any products for sliding doors.:
Does the old style 4030 have the same templating as the new style 4031?
The old 4030 series was: Handed Mounted regular arm hinge side. Had sized springs, were not adjustable. The 4033 is an obsolete closer. If required, handing can be verified by looking at ...:
What is the difference between the 4040, 4010, 4020, and 4110 series closers?
4040XP Series (4040 DEL) is a universal closer. *(see note) Non Handed closer. Can be mounted on a RH or LH door. 4041XP - Adjustable size 1 to 6. Can mount push side or pull side of the doo...:
Does LCN or Dor-O-Matic still make a floor closer?
Neither Dor-O-Matic or LCN manufacturers a floor closer. :
Is there an identification chart for all the different rollers that LCN has?
On Feb 8th, 2016 - LCN launched the redesign of the Hold open clip which changed multiple components of our Track style closers, including the roller, track, hold open clip, and bumper. :
What LCN closers are available in a tri-pack mounting?
The 4040XP, 1260/1261, 1460/1461, 4030/4031 closers have the tri-pack mounting option when ordered with an Rw/PA or Hw/PA designation.:
Warranty information on Allegion Commercial products.
See here for our Warranty Information. :
Does LCN repair or sell rebuilt closers?
Because of the new extended LCN warranties and the desire to be consistent across the entire Allegion premium brands, LCN will be moving away from offering an out-of-warranty repair service beginni...:
Do LCN closers come with thru bolts?
The standard screw pack for an LCN closer is the SRT (Self Reaming and Tapping) screw. Thru bolts are an option, but must be specified on the order. There is no charge for them, but they do need to...:
What is a LCN 1040 or 1050 closer?
The 1040 and 1050 are obsolete closers made in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. The 1260 or 1460 will work as replacements, but they are not direct replacement.:
Can LCN closers be installed outside in the elements?
The LCN closers are not designed nor intended to be exterior mounted in the elements. :
What maintenance is required for an LCN closer?
Closers mounted according to LCN installation instructions require no periodic maintenance or seasonal adjustments. Monthly, quarterly, and annual visual inspections are recommended for Fire/...:
What is the LCN fluid - "Liquid X" - temperature range?
The LCN closer fluid "Liquid X" will perform without variation between: -30° F to +120° F - for manual closers. +35° F to +120° F - for electrical closers and a...:
What are the Rod and Shoe lengths for 4000 and 1000 series closers?
STANDARD ROD AND SHOE: 4020, 4031, 1460, 1520, 1370, 1070, 1260, 4640, 4820 is: 8 3/8” LONG ROD AND SHOE: 4020, 4031, 1460, 1520, 1370, 1070, 1260, 4640, 4820 is: 12 3/8”STANDARD ROD AND SHOE:...:
What is the maximum door weight recommended for LCN closers?
The maximum recommended door weight for LCN manual closers is 225 lbs.:
When did LCN quit making traditional potbelly style closers?
The LCN "Traditional" Potbelly series closer line was discontinued in 1980. Unfortunately there is no direct replacement for these old units. Would need to replace with...:
What is the delay time adjustment on a Delayed Action closers?
Regular LCN closers have "3" regulating valves for General Speed, Latch Speed, and Backcheck. If the LCN closer has "4" regulating valves, then the closer has the Delayed Action feature. De...:
What are the LCN standard finishes?
White Powder Coat can be ordered as a special RAL finish with a metal cover.:
Can a Cam Lift hinge be used with LCN closers?
Cam Lift hinges can only be used with LCN door closers that have a "Regular" or "Reg hold Open" style arm. Manual Closers:Maximum lift dimension is 3/4".Can not be use (H)EDA, CUSH, or T...:
What is the replacement for an LCN 1070?
The P1070 was replaced with the 1261 Rw/PA.The 1260 arm can be used as a replacement arm for the discontinued 1070.The P1070 arm can be used on a replacement 1260 body to maintain the origina...:
Is there adjustment limits on the regulation valves of LCN manual closers?
The regulation valves are designed to adjust the flow the hydraulic fluid in the closer which regulates the door closing speed through various phases of the closing cycle. The regulation valv...:
What would cause a door closer to slam?
There are a few things that can cause a closer to slam. The closer could be adjusted incorrectly. Turn all regulating screws clockwise until they stop. Then open each valve 1 and 1/2 turns. If t...:
How do you identify the model number and date code of an LCN cast iron hydraulic closer?
The date is a 4 digit #. The first 2 numbers indicate the week it was made, and the last 2 numbers indicate what year it was made. On most surface mounted closers, the model #, date code, ...:
Are there autoCAD drawings available for Allegion products?
AutoCAD drawings are proprietary and are not available for distribution. :
What are the SRT screws lengths used with LCN Closers?
SRT "Self Reaming, & Tapping" screws are the default type screws shipped with LCN closers, when a specific screw type is not specified. There are 3 standard lengths of SRT screws:1-3/...: