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common part manual
Why are lead lined frames used?
Lead lined frames are intended for use in the X-ray Room locations in Health Care facilities. Frames are provided by Steelcraft prepped as follows: Frames are supplied knock-down (KD). Fram...:
How do you convert the Von Duprin 370 series controls to NL or night latch function?
You must have the Von Duprin NL Cylinder plate part number 967484-89 to convert the 370 series controls from classroom function to night latch function. If new installation, use the NL cylinde...:
How thick of door will the standard 24/25 series device mounting package work with?
Standard mounting packages are only for a 1 3/4" thick door. Door thickness other than 1 3/4" need to be specified when ordering the device.:
Repalcement parts for Schlage Electronics 672 TouchBar and 692 SmartBar
See attached table: Schlage 692/672 Parts Cross ref:
Can the Von Duprin Chexit device be changed to ALK exit alarm?
The Chexit device has a different base plate and center case than the ALK. The Chexit device would need to be replaced with an ALK device.:
Do we have parts for the old multi-piece center case cover for the 98/99 series devices?
Von Duprin does not offer the old two piece center case cover any longer. The new center case cover will work on the old two piece cover device. Order the following parts: New 1-piece cover ...:
ND keycam part numbers.
See here for standard ND Keycam part numbers and what functions they belong to. See here for special ND Keycam part numbers and what functions they belong to. ...:
What is ASTM E-119?
ASTM E-119 is a test standard for walls, partitions and floor or roof systems: This test standard is also used for ceramic type glasses when used as window wall and/or borrowed light frames.As...:
What is the part number for a cut emergency key in a C keyway?
The part number is 48-102 C, you will need to specify the cuts.:
What cleaning suggestions would you provide to a customer should the hand reader be exposed to blood?
To clean the platen on a hand reader, apply a Windex-like product with a clean, soft cloth and allow it to air dry. The hand reader platen overlay has an anti-microbial surface. Should ...:
What wires are the activation inputs for the Senior Swing?
The current (digital control box) activation input wiring harness (# 761464-00) is included in the Sr. Swing parts bag (-518), and has 4 wires in it, Black, White, Yellow, & Gray. ...:
Can you convert the 510 L trim to an L-NL (storeroom) function?
The 510L can be converted to a nightlatch 510L-NL by changing out a few parts to the trim. See 510L to 510L-NL conversion instructions for required parts that will need to be added/r...:
What is the part number for the dogged cam used in modular cylinders?
Effective July, 2014, there is no longer a specific modular cam part number for dogging. The Schlage modular straight cams come with two mounting holes that allow for the cams to be mounted inverte...:
How do I remove the lever on an M lock?
To remove the M lock trim follow the steps below in reverse. The M lock spanner wrench is 021415. Although this wrench is no longer available from&n...:
Is the dogging assembly for the 17/18 device still available?
The 17, 18, & 19 devices use the same dogging assembly part #610480.:
When was e.Primus discontinued?
e.Primus was an electronic lock system that used iButton credentials to unlock a door. Product was discontinued in July of 2002 with parts were available only for a short time. Product support fo...:
What is a 85445-900?
The 710095-00 (85445-900) and 84570-900 are the older Sr. Swing analog (non-digital) control. It is replaced by the current Sr. Swing digital control box. If you need to replace an old ...:
Which conventional cylinder cam is used with an Adams Rite MS series lock?
L583-446; Schlage Adams Rite MS modular cam used on 1 1/8", 1 3/8" and 1 5/8" cylinders L583-447; Schlage Adams Rite MS modular cam used on 1 1/4", 1 1/2" and 1 3/4" cylinders B502-944; Sch...:
Can the Schlage L or LP section key blank be cut in the field?
Schlage does not recommend cutting the L or LP section key blanks in the field. Below are some details.Non Primus:In the classic family of keyways the "L" key section is the highest level key...:
What is the cylinder part number for an ND-Series lock?
ND-Series Cylinder Reference Table Function Door Thickness Cylinder Mechanism Complete Cylinder Non-Hotel Functions Standard Conventional 23-065 Primus 20-765 Pri...:
Does the Falcon T series have an RX option available?
The Falcon T Series lock does not have an RX switch available.:
Replacement BNC Cable for SNAP Programmer
This product is obsolete and is no longer available from Schlage Electronics.:
What is the part number for T lock tailpiece used with a conventional cylinder?
Refer to Table 1 for a list of T lock tailpieces for conventional cylinders. Table 2 shows IC tailpieces. Table 1: T lock conventional tailpieces Table 2: T lock IC tailpieces:
Is the deadlocking spring replaceable on a 19-R device?
The spring itself is not replaceable, you would need to replace the 19 centercase assembly.:
What is the part number for an AL Series cylinder?
Refer to table 1 for the list of Schlage AL-Series cylinders. AL-Series Cylinder Reference Table Function Cylinder Mechanism Complete Cylinder Non-Hotel Functions ...:
Is there a thick door kit for the B500 deadbolt?
B500 with standard cylinders How to order with the deadbolt:Door thickness over 1 3/4" to 2 1/4", specify door thickness when deadbolt is orderedDoor thickness greater than 2 1/4" will require...:
How to convert a ND series lock cylinder format from PD to BD?
On ND locks manufactured prior to January 30, 2017, the lever, spring cage and tailpiece needed to be replaced with the SFIC lever, SFIC spring cage and the SFIC driver . N123-056 - Outside sp...:
How do I change the handing on the Von Duprin 373L trim?
Changing the handing on a Von Duprin 373L trim requires following parts on all lever designs EXCEPT #12: RHR requires part number 090092-00 (LEVER CONTROL SPRING RHR PKG/4) and 050597-...:
How do you remove an AL lock from a door?
AL-Series and discontinued D Lever-Series locks use castle nuts to hold the chassis to the spring cages and to keep the chassis positioned in the door. This causes confusion at times when the lock ...:
What is the part number for the CX-RX switch?
For solenoid driven Chexit devices shipped from the factory prior to 8-24-2015, the RX switch is no longer available. This part was discontinued in 2019.If the older version Chexit RX switch ...:
What is the part number for the lever return spring for the old M series mortise lock?
Falcon is reintroducing the lever return spring for the discontinued Falcon M mortise series. Effective November 1, 2014 the lever return spring is now available for purchase with a list pric...:
What is the part number for the 6000 series electric strike 24VDC solenoid?
The Von Duprin 6000 series electric strike can be converted by ordering the appropriate kits below. Kits include the solenoid, plunger, spring, and washer. 6000 Series solenoid Kit 1...:
How to adjust a 4010 hold open arm?
The correct method (process) for setting the hold open is: The 4010 hold open arms are handed, verify correct hand arm. (R or L stamped on main arm) Loosen the hold open nut. Opened the door ...:
Where are the part manuals for Falcon exits?
Falcon (19. 24, 25, and XX) parts manuals for Exits are downloadable on the :
What is the part # for the 4040 regular arm?
The 4040 regular and hold open arms are different. You would have to get a different arm to convert from regular arm to a hold open function. 4040-3077 for a regular arm. 4040-3077L for a long ...:
How is a bitting list obtained?
A purchase order must by entered through Order Entry. Part number 50-123 for Schlage and 50-123F for Falcon. Reference the structure number (preferred) or an order num...:
What does the cylinder suffix BDC mean?
A small format disposable core is used as a SFIC construction core that is for low security applications and can be thrown in the waste bin after use.:
What is the part number for the Von Duprin maintenance kit?
Von Duprin has a maintenance kit part number 050046-00 and maintenance instruction, part number 941079-00 for 98/99 series devices. There are some common parts between 98/99 series and 22...:
What is the part number for a privacy emergency key?
M504-271 is the emergency key used to open a locked S40.:
What parts are required to add a cylinder to the 1790 EO?
You will need a 1790NL/HB cylinder assembly (part number CYLASY.1151) and a rim cylinder.:
How do I remove an X lock from the door?
To disassemble an X lock, remove the inside knob and unscrew the inside collar and rose. The X lock spanner wrench (012172-000-30) can be used to depress the knob catch as well as tighten/loo...:
Are there any instructions for Von Duprin device maintenance?
Please see the Maintenance Kit Manual for information on device lubrication as well as complete breakdowns and parts lists for Von Duprin exit devices.Exit devices and latc...:
What parts are needed to convert functions on a 8500 mortise lock body?
See Step 3 of the mortise lock reversing instructions(D-4010) which shows function conversions and what part(s) are needed if any are needed.:
What is the part # for the 4954 mullion bottom fitting?
The part number for a Von Duprin 4954 mullion bottom fitting is #050390.:
How do I change the handing on my 7500 mortise lock?
You can reference the 7500 mortise lock rehanding instructions. Remove the two screws from mortise lock faceplate. Remove the face plate and the collar from the mortise lock then rotate the la...:
How do you convert an AL44 to an AL40?
To convert the AL44 to an AL40 you can replace the outside plunger unit in the chassis or order the AL40 chassis. Replacing the plunger unit is more difficult and time consuming and would not be r...:
What is the part number for the offset link for 98/9947WDC devices?
Offset link for 98/9947WDC is not available by itself. You need to purchase the 98/9947WDC conversion kit, 050134.:
What parts are needed to change a 4640 operator into a 4630 operator?
Parts required to convert a 4640 to a 4630: 4631-3971 cylinder only. 4630-3077T track arm. 4630-3038 track. 4630-WMS screw pack, which includes the -3034 roller. ...:
Can the Von Duprin EL option be added to any existing 98/99 device?
The Von Duprin EL option can be added to any existing 33A/35A, 98/99 series exit devices. :
How do I replace an E996L solenoid?
Order E-Trim Mech Kit part #050671-00 which will include a new solenoid already mounted to the blocking mechanism. See installation instruction # 921297 here which will show how to remove block...:
What parts are needed to install an L lock on an 1 3/8" door?
The standard L9000 lock can be ordered for thin doors (1 3/8") and the appropriate parts will be shipped. The LV9000, L400, LM9000, Anti-Ligature, and N escutcheon trims a...:
How to install an L9000 mortise lock less outside rose trim?
The L283-150 is a modified mounting plate to allow a user to only install trim on the inside of the L9000. For installation and door prep requirements, see the install sheet. Add...: