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wire gauge for electric strike
What wire gauge and run is recommended for Von Duprin electric latch retraction EL device?
What is the part number for the 6000 series electric strike 24VDC solenoid?
The Von Duprin 6000 series electric strike can be converted by ordering the appropriate kits below. Kits include the solenoid, plunger, spring, and washer. 6000 Series solenoid Kit 1...:
Are the wires on a Von Duprin 6000 series electric strike polarized?
The wires on 6000 series electric strike solenoid are non polarized.:
What is the power output of a 4600 operator?
The 4600 Series operator has both a 12VDC and 24VDC output rated at 1A (combined load) to power strikes, maglocks, and other devices, but an EL device must have a separate Power Supply for motorize...:
Will the 9100 series Benchmark III power an electric strike?
The Benchmark III control has a 24VDC, 2.5 amp power supply, and built in relay for controlling electric strikes or other accessories less than 2.5 amps current load. For a fail secure strike, r...:
Why won't the 5100 24v strike work on both a RH & LH door?
The 5100 strike details are listed below: Only operates with 12VDC or 24VDC power supply. Will not operate with AC transformer. 12 or 24VAC can be converted to 12/24VDC using Von Duprin SO12 o...:
How do you wire an electric strike to a 4600 Series operator?
The 4630/4630 operator has a 12 VDC and 24 VDC output that can power an electric strike or maglock. The wiring diagrams are shown on page 14 of the installation instructions (attached). 4600 Insta...:
Can you power an electric strike or maglock from the 9500 Series Senior Swing?
An electric strike or maglock (24 volt only) can be wired to a Senior Swing 2800/9500 series operator using the P10 Lock Interface cable.For Current Sr Swing control boxes with ID# 72940 on th...: