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Where are P & D located
Are multiple narrow lights available?
Yes. Multiple glass lights are available on specific door series as a special option as noted below: L-Series and SL-Series: Core options - Standard honeycomb, polystyrene, polyurethane Lig...:
What are security jamb anchors?
Security anchors are used in DW/K frames located directly above or below strike preparation on door side of frame. Because there are only two points of anchoring, the compression anchor near the ...:
Where is the Fire Label located on a door and a frame?
Fire labels (UL, ITS/WHI or FM) are located as follows: Butt Hinges and Pivots: On the doors the fire label is located on the hinge edge between the top and 2nd hinge preparation. On the fram...:
Where is the RA closer reinforcement located on a frame for a Regular Arm Closer?
Optional closer reinforcements are located at 3" from hinge jamb to the beginning of the reinforcement plate. This applies to Regular Arm, Parallel Arm, Top Jamb. Regular Arm (RA) closer reinfor...:
How many compression anchors are provide per jamb on DW-Series frames?
For compression anchor details refer to the “ANCHORING SYSTEMS” section in the Steelcraft Tech Data Manual.Anchor Quantities: • 1 compression anchor per jamb through 9"depth • ...:
Which terminals on the 4630/4640 operator are used for activation?
The 4630/4640 operator activation inputs are: Normal Activation Inputs (2 parallel) - terminals 16 & 17 or 18 & 19. Sequential Input - terminals 8 & 19. Alternate Action Input - terminals 15 &...:
What types of steel are used in commercial steel doors?
The three most common steel types are cold rolled steel, galvannealed steel, and galvanized steel. Cold Rolled Steel (CRS) is suitable for most interior applications, is uncoated steel a...:
Can a 55 or 88 series device have a request to exit switch?
The Request for Exit (RX) is available on the 55 and 88 Series Von Duprin devices.The RX switch is installed in the end case of 55 and 88 series exit devices.There is no kit to field install the RX...:
Information and contacts in Canada
Please refer to the Allegion Contact Us web page for all inquiries. :
What is an STC rating?
STC stands for Sound Transmission Class. An STC (Sound Transmission Class) is a single number rating system derived from measured values of sound transmission loss in accordance with ASTM E90...:
What is an astragal?
An Astragal is an applied molding attached most commonly to the meeting edge of doors to: Protection against weather conditions Minimize the passage of light between the doors Retard the passa...:
What is GrainTech?
GrainTech® is a Steelcraft door option which provides a wood grained pattern which is embossed into both face sheets of the door. GrainTech doors are factory stained and top coated with a cle...:
FastTrack program information
Allegion Employees can access the distributors’ “My Allegion Portal” thru The Frontline Home Page: Click on “My Allegion Distributor Portal” located in the navigation menu on the left si...:
Can I use an electrified mortise with a door position switch (DPS) on a double door where dummy trim is installed on the inactive door?
Dummy mortise trim without a lock case (L0170/L0712) is used on an inactive door. You can use an electrified mortise with a door position switch on the active door. The strike prep must be co...:
Where is the template for the 25C NL-OP?
The NL-OP function for 25-C uses the 718C trim, so template T-2211 for metal doors and W-2211 for wood doors for 718 trims prior to 2/28/2011. T-2211 for trims prior to 2/28/2011 W-2211 for...:
How close can the top hinge be to the top of the door?
The minimum top and bottom butt hinge locations are as follows: To the hinge centerline: 4 1/2" and 5" hinges = 5 3/8" is the minimum location from top of door to centerline of the first hi...:
Where is the wood template for the 996L-DT ?
There is no template for 996L-DT for wood door. You will need to use the 996L-DT installation instruction or 996L-DT metal template. See attached instruction/template 996L-DT instruction/template.:
Where are the shims used for the 19 series?
Shims are used on device side, not the trim side.:
Where are templates on the Allegion website?
Templates can be found on the Allegion website template directory. :
What is the maximum distance you can wire a PIB300 or PIB301 from a Access Control Panel?
See the User Guide instructions in the links below:
What are the frame hinge locations for a 9'0" door opening?
From Head to top of each 4 1/2" hinge is 7 1/2", 36 51/64", 66 3/32" & 95 25/64". From Head to top of each 5" hinge is 7 1/4", 36 35/64", 65 27/32" & 95 9/64".:
Where is factory recommendation for location of an EPT?
EPT installation guidelines are as follows: Recommended location is 6" below top hinge per template Steelcraft will locate the power transfer prep at the Von Duprin re...:
What is Steelcraft's standard hinge locations for a 6'8" high frame from head to top of each hinge?
The location to the top of hinge will vary depending on hinge size used. 6'8" Frame with 1 1/2 pair of hinges (top to top): For 4 1/2" hinges from the head to top of each hinge is 7 1/2", 37 7...:
Where are hardware templates?
All the templates can be found at Please click here :
Order Status
Allegion Employees can access the distributors’ “My Allegion Portal” thru The Frontline Home Page: Click on “My Allegion Distributor Portal” located in the navigation menu ...:
How many P & D (Pierce and Dimple) holes are in a frame?
The following are quantities of EMA anchors (pierce and dimples) based on range of frame height: Quantity Nominal Frame Height 2 1'...:
What is the mounting difference between a 2010 closer and a 2030 closer?
The 2010 and 2030 closer are not the same. The 2010 Series closer uses the (larger) 4010 cylinder which requires a 4" minimum frame tube to mount in. The 2030 uses the (narrow) "Pacer" cylinder...:
How many anchors are in a frame?
For Steelcraft frame anchor locations refer to the frame "Anchoring Systems" section of Steelcraft's Tech Data Manual. Basic guidelines are as follows: Anchor ...:
What are the ANSI recommendations for the actuator mounting height and distance between the wall actuator and the door opening?
Always check the most current revision of the ANSI A156.19 standard for recommendation or requirement of the location of a Knowing Act switch. 2019 ANSI A156.19 states the requirement of the ...:
How do you find the serial number of a biometric F-Series handpunch or Handkey II?
Yes, press the * (asterisk) key 10 times on the reader. The serial number will be displayed. A second way of locating the serial number on the reader is to visually check...:
What backsets are Hospital latches available?
Hospital latch available backsets: 2-3/4", 3-3/4", 5" or 7":
What glass light kits are available in doors?
Glass Light is a preparation in a door for view window, vision and/or glazing including glass stop and glazing bead and may also be refereed to as a lite.Doors are available with a wide v...:
What door is used in a tornado application?
Tornado shelter applications require the use of Paladin PW14-Series doors and FP14-Series frames: Tornado shelter doors are a tested system comprising of the door, frame and hard...:
Is a 20 minute label door a real fire door?
The 20 minute Fire Rating is a valid label and are commonly referred to as "Smoke and Draft control door assemblies". Depending on the local fire code and the openings's applica...:
What core options are available in L-Series door?
Door cores are available as follows: L-Series SL-Series and A14-Series Doors: Honeycomb core is standard Polystyrene core is optional Polyurethane core is optional CE-Serie...:
Is the 4111 closer handed?
The 4110 closer is handed, and will have an "RH" and "LH" on the casting next to the closer shaft. The regulating valves are going to be on the same side as the hand of the closer.:
What is a communicating frame?
Communicating Frames are hollow metal frame fabricated such that a door is installed in each rabbet of a double rabbeted frame (2 doors total) to facilitate dual access and control of the opening, ...:
Where is common cutout for Von Duprin EPT prep in Ives 224 Continuous Hinge?
Cutout depends on the size of 224 hinge. See 112HD/224HD-EPT template. 112HD/224HD continuous hinge Center line of EPT to top of the door 83 inches 30 inches 85 inches 32 inc...:
Where is the catalog information and specifications on the Ives edge guards?
Information for Ives edge guards can be found on pages B51-B53 of the Ives Catalog linked here, and in the edge guard ordering guide linked here.:
Where is the cross reference list for PS800 to PS900 series power supplies?
Von Duprin PS914-4RL power supply replaces the PS873-4TD.:
Where is the template for the 718 trims made after 2/28/2011 for Falcon/Monarch concealed vertical rod devices?
Templates for current 718 series trim can also be found on Falcon website:
How to remove a double cylinder deadbolt?
Schlage and Falcon double cylinder deadbolts have concealed screws to prevent tampering. The two methods used to conceal the thru-bolts are using screw caps or a faceplate. Use the below instructio...:
What door meets FBC / NOA Zone 4 requirements?
H-Series doors in single leaf applications with only mortise locks meet the FBC / NOA Zone 4 requirements?3070 max flushOutswing & Inswing applicationsZone 4 requires 120 to 170 psf.:
How do you identify what size a 2030 closer is?
The Date Code and Closer Size are stamped in the backside of the closer body. These stamps will be on a smooth machined surface of the cylinder.Closer Size:If the number is "1", the...:
Does Steelcraft have frame installation instructions?
It is always recommended to point installers to the industry installation manuals which are very comprehensive and are ANSI documentsClick here to get the updated link to the Steelcraft Shop M...:
Where are Allegion brand logos and guidelines on use?
Information on Allegion Brand logos are available in the Channel Partners Allegion brand guidelines. Brand logo guidelinesHorizontal and vertical logo lookupsInformation on using Allegion...:
Where is the date of manufacture on a 4041 closer?
The date stamp on a 4041/4040XP is on the packing nut. The date will be the week of the year and then the year. EXAMPLE: 10 05 would be week 10 of 2005. For example...:
What is 5, 10 and equal (NAAMM/HMMA) hinge spacing?
"5, 10 and equal" Hinge Spacing: The industry terminology which usually refers to the Custom (NAAMM/HMMA) Door hinge locations. This location dictates: Top Hinge - located 5" from the underside ...:
Where are the PS914 instructions?
The link to the specific sheet can be found by clicking here:
When are Panic Devices required?
The use of Panic Hardware and/or Fire Exit Hardware is required by the International Building Code (IBC) and NFPA 101 – The Life Safety Code, depending on which code and which edition of the code i...:
How do you identify the model number and date code of an LCN cast iron hydraulic closer?
The date is a 4 digit #. The first 2 numbers indicate the week it was made, and the last 2 numbers indicate what year it was made. On most surface mounted closers, the model #, date code, ...:
Where are the Data sheets or Installation Instructions for the 900 series Power Supplies?
Data sheets and installation instructions for 900 series power supplies are available at
Where are the part manuals for Falcon exits?
Falcon (19. 24, 25, and XX) parts manuals for Exits are downloadable on the :
Where is the EPT location of a Pin-and-Barrel Continuous HInge?
The 600/700 Series EPT Template shows recommended locations based on the standard sizes, The customer can provide a different dimension measured from the top of the hinge to the Cen...:
What different types of door coordinators are available?
There are 2 types of door coordinators available: Bar Coordinators (Ives COR Series): Surface mounted to the bottom surface of the frame soffit. The active door lever, located nearest to th...:
When did LCN quit making traditional potbelly style closers?
The LCN "Traditional" Potbelly series closer line was discontinued in 1980. Unfortunately there is no direct replacement for these old units. Would need to replace with...:
How do I find ANSI BHMA codes and their meanings?
BHMA provides a certified products directory complete with function codes and meanings. The most up-to-date directory can be accessed through their website at: http://www.buildershardwa...:
What is the Buy American Act (BAA)?
To obtain product certification forms:Download the BAA Catalog on the Allegion website Complete the information requested in the the BAA Catalog with a detailed copy of the prod...:
Common wiring diagrams
Electronic Protocols: Access Control Door with electric trim Access Control with electric strike Access control with electric strike and LCN 460...:
What are ANSI BHMA hardware grades?
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA) have developed durability, strength and performance standards for every type of door hardware...:
What is a Drywall Throat Filler?
Drywall Throat Fillers are used when wall thickness is between 1/8” (3mm) to 1/4” (6mm) less than the frame throat dimension, throat filler section(s) can be used to fill the gap, assuring the prop...:
What is a Pocket Door Frames?
POCKET DOOR FRAME: A frame designed to allow a door to slide inside a pocket located within the cavity of a wall. The hinge jamb of the frame is replaced with a 2 piece jamb without a stop. I...:
Where are Allegion Wiring and Riser Diagrams (Von Duprin, Schlage, LCN) ?
Wiring and Riser diagrams can be accessed at: Common wiring diagrams can be accessed at: Go to "Document Library" > then choose Document type of "Wiring ...:
Where is investor information for Allegion?
All information about Allegion is available on the Allegion website. All investor information is available on the Allegion Investor Relations web page. Additional informati...: