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Available kits to convert classroom mortise locks to classroom security locks.
Schlage has conversion kits to convert the classroom L/LV9070 to the classroom security L/LV9071 and the classroom holdback L/LV9076 to the classroom security holdback L/LV9077. The...:
How to build an L-Series chassis.
This Step-by-Step guide is specifically designed for the functions listed below, however, it can be referenced with a majority of L series functions since most of the parts are ...:
Does Schlage offer ND conversion kits to convert to Classroom Security function?
For all available ND Series Conversion Kit part numbers, click here.:
When did the ND series dummy spring cage change design?
On June 2, 2020 the spring cage on the ND series dummy functions changed design from a assembled machined spring cage to the new single cast spring cage. See pictures here : C...:
How do you change the Von Duprin 990TP trim to NL function?
Recommend to order a new 990NL-R/V or M trim to change from TP/Classroom function to NL/Storeroom function. You will also need to reinstall the NL drive screw back into into the mast...:
AD changing Function in the field
-On the AD series offline locks only you can change the lock function from Classroom/Storeroom to a Privacy, office or apartment function out in the field. - This is done via the HHD/SUS using...:
Can the Von Duprin EL option be added to any existing 98/99 device?
The Von Duprin EL option can be added to any existing 33A/35A, 98/99 series exit devices. :
Can a 712L or 912L be converted to L-NL in the field?
The current 712L/912L (after 2/28/2011) can be field converted by purchasing the NL Spring part #600339 and following the L to NL function change instructions.:
Can a PL7 be converted to a PL8 in the field?
The function of the PL7 or PL8 cannot be changed due to the assemblies being manufactured differently.:
How is HB achieved on the 1690 device?
Install the pinion cam at the top of the retractor per Figure 7-3 in Step 7 of 1690 Instructions.:
How do you change the 360L to NL function?
To change the 360L from TL (classroom) to NL (Night Latch) function invert the cam on the mortise cylinder. :
How can the Von Duprin 98/9975-L with 996L classroom trim function be converted as a night latch function in field?
The following steps are required to convert the Von Duprin 98/9975L from classroom to night latch function: Order new 996L-NL-M trim and reset NL drive screw in mortise lockbody as se...:
How do I convert a 179L, 712L or 912L from NL nightlatch or storeroom function to classroom function?
Remove the NL spring and add the locking spring 661567. For reference, do the reverse of what is shown in this instruction:
How do I convert a 1790 device to night latch (storeroom) function?
The 179CA cylinder assembly contains the parts that need to be put in the exit device to convert it from EO to NL (nightlatch) or HB (hold back) function.:
Why does the Schlage button light up “Green” when I open the door?
When unlocking the CO200 door by mechanical key override, the green led will be continuously ON until the key is released. This will occur after firmware CO.A.6 (or later) has been installed int...:
Why did my CO Lock stop working after the Reader Module (electronics) was changed?
CO Reader Modules are not individually replaceable, nor can they be swapped between locks. The inside and outside assemblies of a CO lock are a matched/mated set and cannot be swapped to change rea...:
Can the Von Duprin 230L trim be converted to a Night Latch function?
We do not offer the 230L with night latch function. There is no conversion available. :
What parts are needed to install an L lock on an 1 3/8" door?
The standard L9000 lock can be ordered for thin doors (1 3/8") and the appropriate parts will be shipped. The LV9000, L400, LM9000, Anti-Ligature, and N escutcheon trims a...:
What is the max rating available on an full glass (FG) door?
A UL 20 minute fire rating is the maximum fire rating for a Full Glass (FG) door design. A14-Series door construction: Max fire rating is 20 minute. UL label only FG must use Over-Lapping Stee...:
Can doors be prepared for raceways in the factory?
Raceway availability: Optional factory installed raceways are available in doors but are not available in frames. Preparation Info: Steelcraft installs a flexible 3/4" ID steel...:
What are the maximum door width and height sizes?
Maximum nominal (overall) single door sizes are as follows:L-Series (Laminated Door)20 Gage = 3’ 0” wide X 8’ 0” high18 Gage = 4’ 0” wide X 10’ 0” high16 Gage = 4’ 0” wide X 10’ 0” high1...:
Factory installed louvers?
Stamped louvers are no longer available from Steelcraft in any door series. Steelcraft discontinued this offering in 2008. Steelcraft will only provide a cutout only in doors for louvers.:
How do I change the function of the Von Duprin 7500 mortise lock from Lever ( classroom ) to NL ( night latch )?
To convert the Von Duprin 9975L to 9975NL exit function follow these steps (Note: the mortise lock is shipped as Night Latch from the factory): Turn the NL screw on 7500 mortise lock counter clo...:
How do I convert the Von Duprin 360L control from nightlatch to classroom function?
To convert the Von Duprin 360L/TL from nightlatch to classroom or from classroom to nightlatch invert mortise cylinder cam.:
How do you convert the Von Duprin 370 series controls to NL or night latch function?
You must have the Von Duprin NL Cylinder plate part number 967484-89 to convert the 370 series controls from classroom function to night latch function. If new installation, use the NL cylinde...:
What parts are needed to convert functions on a 8500 mortise lock body?
See Step 3 of the mortise lock reversing instructions(D-4010) which shows function conversions and what part(s) are needed if any are needed.:
Can an 18-R-L be converted to L-NL function in the field?
Follow step 6 of the 18-R instructions to convert trim function to Night Latch(L-NL).:
How do you convert 812L to a NL function?
The function of the 812L trim was determined by the device itself for a Rim or Surface vertical rod device. See the appropriate device instructions(link below) under the "Locking ...:
How does the Von Duprin 98/99 rim or vertical rod exit device with lever trim convert from L to L-NL function?
To convert the Von Duprin 98/99 Rim or Vertical (Rod or Cable) Exit Device with functional lever (996L-R/V) to act like a rigid lever (996L-NL-R/V) with key over ride follow these steps: R...:
Can you convert the 510 L trim to an L-NL (storeroom) function?
The 510L can be converted to a nightlatch 510L-NL by changing out a few parts to the trim. See 510L to 510L-NL conversion instructions for required parts that will need to be added/r...:
How do you convert the 914KIL trim to NL function?
The KIL Instructions will show you how to convert trim to Night Latch(NL) function.:
Can the Function of an M996L be changed without connecting to a power supply?
The function of the M996L can be changed from FS to FSE or from FSE to FS with the use of a 9-volt battery. *Please note, it needs to be a battery with a high charge or it it will be insuf...:
How long does it take to install a L Series mortise lock?
Typical installation by an experienced Schlage L lock installer on a door correctly prepped for the Schlage L-Series function could take 10 to 20 minutes. Many outside variables can change the amo...:
How to convert the Von Duprin E996L trim from FS fail safe to FSE fail secure?
The E996L will ship FS fail safe from the factory if you don't tell us, You can order either FS/FSE. Can be converted to FSE fail secure. To convert the 996L to E996L (fail safe or fail secur...:
D73 locking issues with push button.
A design change occurred in 2001 to address a locking/unlocking issue with the discontinued D73 lever locks. This included modifying the cam and plug, spindle and using a different plung...:
What process should be followed to change the Credential Reader type on a AD-Series lock?
The process to change the Credential Reader on an AD-Series lock is as follows: Note: To ensure firmware compatibility of the lock and reader, it is important that the firmware in the LOCK and the...:
Why does my 7500 retract the latch bolt but not re-lock the trim?
Tips for changing the function: The NL Drive screw will not be visible when lock body is set to Classroom function There is locktite on the screw that makes it seem like its turned down enou...:
What is the part number for a L mortise lock spindle?
The Schlage L-Series mortise lock spindle and spring part number can be found in the Table 1. Spindles and Springs Part Number Description L283-060 Spindle and spring, 1...:
Is the Schlage Latitude and Longitude lever available in a stainless steel finish?
Beginning January 2, 2013 Schlage will offer the Latitude (LAT) and Longitude (LON) levers in the 629 and 630 stainless steel finishes.:
Are stainless steel doors and frames available?
Yes, stainless steel doors and frames are available. Door Construction: LS-Series: Visible edge seams Door construction similar to the ...:
What is the wire gauge on the motor driven L9000 mortise locks?
Supply wires - 24AWGRX wires - 20AWGLX wires - 20 AWG:
What type of cylinder does theVon Duprin 373L trim take?
All Von Duprin 370 Series trims require a 1 1/4" mortise cylinder with a straight cam.:
What is the Buy American Act (BAA)?
BAA/ARRA stand for Buy American Act and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. A brief description of some of the federal requirements can be found in the BAA Catalog on the Allegio...:
What doors are available with monorail preps?
Monorail cutouts are only available for non fire rated applications.:
Can you order the Schlage L series mortise lock with knob on one side and lever on the other?
Includes the SL1 lever on one side and the SK1 knob trim on the other side.: