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glass light size
How is glass cutting size figured for standard or special glass light installed?
The GCS (Glass Cutting Size) is determined by adding 1 1/4" to EGS (Exposed Glass Size) to both the height and width dimensions. Ex: EGS = 20" w. x 30" h. GCS = 21 1/4" wide x 31 1/4" high St...:
What is exposed glass size?
When dealing with glass lights in doors, there are three (3) critical dimensions which must be coordinated: Exposed Glass Size (EGS) - the horizontal and/or vertical dimensional size of the vision...:
What is the maximum glass light size on a 3 hour (180 minute) fire rated door?
Maximum glass light sizes for 3 hour fire doors is as follows: Wire glass - not approved for use in 3 hour fire doors. Ceramic glass: UL & ITS/WH allow one (1) light with 100 square inc...:
What is the maximum glass light size on a 90 min (1 1/2 hour) fire rated door?
Standard listed wire glass: one (1) light with 100 in2 per door leaf max.Firelite or other appropriately listed glass:• FM maintains one (1) light with 100 in2 per door leaf max.• UL &...:
What is the maximum glass light size available on a 20 minute sidelight frame?
On fire rated transom and/or sidelight frames and fire rated window frames, Steelcraft labeling procedures only control the O/A width and/or height of the frames based on wall condition. The amount...:
Will 1 7/16" thick glass require a special rabbet size on borrowed light frames?
Yes. 1 7/16" thick glass but a special rabbet size is required. The size of rabbet required for the frames would depend on the size of the glazing bead being used. For 1" wide glazing stops, ...:
What fire ratings are available on DW-Series Borrowed Lights?
DW-Series Fire Rated Borrowed Lights are available in the following sizes: 60 minute (1 hour) rating = 2721 square inches of visible glass. maximum frame rabbet to rabbet dimensions = 78 1/4...:
What is the minimum dimension from the edge of the door to a glass light cutout?
Minimum dimensions to cutouts for glass lights: Vertical edge of door to edge of cutout = 5 29/32" Top of door to top of cutout = 6" Bottom of door to bottom of cutout = 10" Reinforcing chann...:
Are glass lights available in the H-Series door?
Steelcraft offers all the standard lights as well as special size glass lights in the H-series door. Effective April 1, 2012, (Bulletin # B-100.12) the default for Dezigner Trim in H-Series D...:
What is the maximum glass size available on the T-Series door?
Glass lights are available in fire rated T-Series doors: Limited to one (1) light per door leaf with a maximum of 100 square inches of exposed glass. This applies to all hourly ratings a...: