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con el device
How is a ELR or panic device wired to a Senior Swing?
EL devices are wired to the Senior Swing, using the P10 (761465) cable. Connect the "GRAY" wire to the SC terminal on the 900-2RS card in the Von Duprin Power Supply and the "VIOLET" wire to the ...:
What gauge wire is needed for CX red and black power wires?
For Product Shipped prior to 8-24-2015 with solenoid and EPT or Door Loops: a. 0-100 ft, use #14 Gauge Wire ...:
Is there a template that shows where to drill the hole for E/EL/SS/RX/LX/CX wires?
The hole should be drilled in the field once the end cap is located on the door. It is a 5/8" hole, that is located 5/16" from the end of the mechanism case. See installation instruction of t...:
What is (SD) Special Dogging?
SD is Special cylinder dogging in the center case of 98/99 rim and vertical rod non fire rated devices and is available with standard, EL, QEL, CX and ALK.:
Will the PS861 power an EL99?
The PS861 will not power an EL device. The high 16Amp current of the EL requires the PS914-2RS, PS914-4RL or the older PS873-2 power supply to operate.:
What could cause the fuse to blow in a PS873 power supply?
Following could cause the fuse to blow in Von Duprin PS873 power supply. PS873 power supply provides 2AMP at 24VDC or 4AMP at 12VDC. If this limit is exceeded the fuse will blow in the power sup...:
Does the 4600 Series (4630 4640) operator have a built in relay?
Yes, the 4600 Series operators have a built in ES (electric strike) relay that can be used to unlock a strike, maglock, or EL device before opening the door.:
Can the 8200 Series operator power a electric strike?
The 8200 Series operator CANNOT power a strike, maglock, or EL device. A separate power supply is ALWAYS required. There is an onboard relay to control a strike, maglock, or EL device.:
Can the CD and EL options be provided on the same 98/99 rim or vertical rod exit device?
There is not enough room for both Cylinder Dogging (CD) and Electric Latch Retraction (EL or QEL) options because they both try to occupy the same space in the device.The dogging mechanism for cyli...:
Would the 900-4R option board control EL devices in a PS914?
The 900-4R is used with PS900 series power supplies and has four independent outputs and inputs with no time delay. You can use any of these outputs with electrified hardware including EL devices a...:
How far can a 4ft EL 99R device be cut down to?
EL98/99-4 ft rim device required minimum of 35.2" with 5/8" stop height door opening on single door and 35.56" with 4954/9954 mullion.:
How many thread should be showing on the solenoid plunger bushing on EL device to operate correctly?
The threaded bushing on the solenoid plunger requires 8-9 threads showing to operate correctly.:
Will the MPB-842 or MPB-840 power EL or QEL devices?
The old MPB842 power supply will power up to two EL electric panic bars but will not power the QEL devices. A defective potted module inside the electric panic bar or defective power supply coul...:
Does the PS914-2RS x EL device have time delay?
The PS914 x 900-2RS option board doesn't have time delay. If time delay is required specify PS914 x 900-4RL. 900-4RL provides up to 75 seconds, 5 second increment unlock time.:
Is Von Duprin's EL device rated for continuous duty?
The Von Duprin EL devices are rated for continuous duty.:
Has the Monarch 19 ever had electric latch retraction?
Electric Latch Retraction(ELR) option for the 19 Series was discontinued in December of 2006.:
What size wire and run is recommended when using a PS914-2RS?
For Product Shipped Prior to August 2012 using the old (black) potted module:a. 0-100 ft 14 gauge wireb. 0-200 ft 12 gauge wire&nbs...:
What is the purpose of the 900-2RS board?
The 900-2RS option board is used with PS914 power supply to isolate the inputs such as key pads or card readers from the outputs for EL electric exit devices. The EL draws 16 amp inrush that needs...:
Is there a conversion kit to add Electronic Dogging (ED) or Electric Latch Retraction (EL) to a 1690 or 1790 in the field?
There is no conversion kit to add EL or ED to an existing 1690 or 1790 series device. All of the components are built into the device, since the device does not have a separate base...:
What could cause the Von Duprin EL solenoid not to hold when mechanism cover plate is slide over the solenoid?
If mechanism cover plate causes the EL solenoid to drop when slid over the solenoid, the solenoid plunger requires adjustment. You must lengthen the rod by turning the hex nut in front of the plun...:
Why is the Von Duprin PS873 power supply buzzing or chattering?
Some transformers in the power supplies provide a little humming noise and that is normal. If the humming in Von Duprin PS873 power supply is loud follow these steps. Remove the load from the outp...:
Can an existing 1990 be changed to an EL1490 and use the existing rods?
The EL1490 does not use the same rods as the 1990. However, the EL1690 would use the existing rods which would be the device used to exchange a 1990 device.:
Can a PS872 operate EL devices?
Yes, 871-2 option board is included in the PS872 power supply and will power 1 or 2 EL electric exit devices.:
Why does the DC output voltage on the PS914-2RS or PS914-4RL drops when access control is activated?
Following items could cause the DC output on PS914 series power supply to drop when access control is activated. Wrong gauge wire from power supply to the the power transfer. Excessive wire run...:
What are the Von Duprin part numbers for RX, LX and RX,LX-LC switch kits for field installation?
The attached table shows the part numbers for LX-RX and LX-RX-LC switches field installed.:
Why do you need the potted circuit breaker for the Von Duprin EL device?
The potted circuit breaker for the Von Duprin EL device does the switching from the 16 amp pull coil on the solenoid to the .33 amp holding coil of the solenoid.:
How many Von Duprin QEL devices can be connected to a power supply?
Product Ordered before 7/10/2012 - Product identified by no label on QEL motor. You must use the 900-2Q option board with the PS900 power supplies to operate the QEL devices. The attached ta...:
Why is my latch not retracting when I depress the push pad on an XP98/99 device?
Pushing on the push bar or activating the EL/QEL or the trim on Von Duprin XP98/99 exit device does not retract the latch, it releases the latch only. Door must be pushed or pulled when device o...:
Is the 900-ELK wiring adaptor required when using the PS914 power supplies?
Products shipped on or after August 8, 2012 no longer require the EL wiring adaptor. The ELK Wiring Adaptor (900ELK) was used only when using the PS914 power supply with either the 900-2RS or...:
What is the power output of a 4600 operator?
The 4600 Series operator has both a 12VDC and 24VDC output rated at 1A (combined load) to power strikes, maglocks, and other devices, but an EL device must have a separate Power Supply for motorize...:
Will the 900-2Q option board operate an EL device?
The 900-2RS is recommended to be used with EL devices but if you have a 900-2Q with PS914 power supply it can be used to operate up to two EL or one EL and one QEL devices .:
How is the EL exit device wired up to the 900-2RS?
See attached instruction. PS914 Installation Instructions:
What is the difference between ED and EL for Doromatic devices?
EL only retracts the latchbolt or vertical rods/latches. Pulling on or tampering with the push bar has no effect on the solenoid plunger remaining seated in the solenoid. ED retract...:
Can Von Duprin QEL/EL and CX be in the same device?
You can not use these options together on the same device per the following reasons: QEL/EL device retracts the latch bolt of the exit device allowing entry. CX (Chexit) device ...:
Can we run both mag locks and EL devices from the PS 914?
It requires 900-4RL and 900-FA option boards to release the mag locks when a fire alarm is activated. Specify PS914 x 900-4RL x 900-FA.:
Is a Von Duprin or Falcon EL device available in 12V?
Electric latch retraction, EL, devices are only available in 24VDC. (Note: The EL option for 24/25 series and related service parts have been discontinued as of 7/25/2022):
How do I add mechanical dogging to my Von Duprin EL device?
HD-EL (Hex Dogging Electric Latch Retraction) solenoid and plunger can be replaced with standard EL solenoid and plunger on non fire rated exit devices, but this should not be used on a daily basi...: