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auto operator electric strike
What is the power output of a 4600 operator?
The 4600 Series operator has both a 12VDC and 24VDC output rated at 1A (combined load) to power strikes, maglocks, and other devices, but an EL device must have a separate Power Supply for motorize...:
Can the 8200 Series operator power a electric strike?
The 8200 Series operator CANNOT power a strike, maglock, or EL device. A separate power supply is ALWAYS required. There is an onboard relay to control a strike, maglock, or EL device.:
Will the 9100 series Benchmark III power an electric strike?
The Benchmark III control has a 24VDC, 2.5 amp power supply, and built in relay for controlling electric strikes or other accessories less than 2.5 amps current load. For a fail secure strike, r...:
How do you wire an electric strike to a 4600 Series operator?
The 4630/4630 operator has a 12 VDC and 24 VDC output that can power an electric strike or maglock. The wiring diagrams are shown on page 14 of the installation instructions (attached). 4600 Insta...:
What are Electro-hydraulic Automatic Operators?
Electro-hydraulic Automatic Operators are: Designed for manual opening applications where there is occasional need for automating the door to meet ADA requirements. Electrically powere...:
Why does the auto operator not open the door when installed with a Chexit?
Chexits are NOT electric latch retraction devices, therefore the latch will not retract and allow the opener to swing the door open. Chexits block and unblock the latch. In order for a Ch...:
Common wiring diagrams
Electronic Protocols: Access Control Door with electric trim Access Control with electric strike Access control with electric strike and LCN 460...:
Does the 4600 Series (4630 4640) operator have a built in relay?
Yes, the 4600 Series operators have a built in ES (electric strike) relay that can be used to unlock a strike, maglock, or EL device before opening the door.:
What power operator is recommended/used for occasional activation with mainly manual traffic?
The 4630/4640 Series operator is designed/recommended for a door that will see mostly manual traffic with the occasion automatic/ handicap operation.: