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How do you specify an exit alarm ALK with a hard wire to the power supply?
All new 22, 33/35A and 98/99 series exit devices with exit alarm ALK option can be hard wired to the PS902 power supply as a standard feature.:
Brivo Access Control Panel does not work with a PIB300-2D or a PIM400-TD2
Update the PIM-400-TD2 firmware to version 2.14.2 or higher to be compatible with Brivo Access Panels:
Why would a 8310-806K be used in conjunction with a 4600 that has a on/off hold open switch?
For wiring diagram see here. :
What is the 4310HSA/4410HSA series closer?
HSA - stands for Holder Scanner Activation.The HSA is an electrically controlled closer/holder designed to provide easy passage for groups of pedestrians through high traffic doors. With a constant...:
What power supply replaces the Von Duprin 9VDC PS9 power supply?
The PS9 power supply was discontinued. The new exit alarm ALK can either use a 9VDC battery or 24VDC regulated power supply. There is no direct replacement for Von Duprin PS9 power supply. Cur...:
What is the part number for the EAK PCB only for Monarch Falcon devices?
This circuit board will NOT work on the updated 24/25 Alarm Kits that released June 11th, 2012.:
Alk not power up - using 9V battery
There are three main failures with an ALK. Problems are usually caused by a bad power source(battery), bad RX/LX Switch or a bad circuit board. Try installing a new battery and wai...:
Can the Von Duprin exit alarm ALK and electric latch retraction QEL or EL device be in the same device?
No, Von Duprin exit alarm ALK and electric latch retraction QEL or EL are installed in the same location and can't be ordered together with the same device.:
Can the Falcon Alarm kit board be purchased separately?
Yes. The part number for the Falcon Exit Alarm PCB only is 650335.:
Wiring diagrams for Avigilon RedCloud Access Control System with AD-300 Hardwired, AD-400 Wireless Locks.
Partner Solution: Integrated Access Control Solution with AD-300 Hardwired, AD-400 Wireless Locks and Avigilon RedCloud Access Control System.See the download cut sheet at:Avigilon Red Cloud&n...:
Is there a wiring diagram for EL and Von Duprin PS914-2RS power supply?
Reference The 914 Installation instructions.:
Common wiring diagrams
Electronic Protocols: Access Control Door with electric trim Access Control with electric strike Access control with electric strike and LCN 460...:
What are the Falcon T lock electrical requirements?
Prior to June 2011 the T lock only supported 24V and the electrical requirements were as follows: 0.185 amp @ 24VDC Wire Gage 22 AWG See wiring diagram here - (Previous 2 wire versi...:
What are the MA lock electrical requirements?
For additional details and a wiring diagram see the MA service manual page on electrical requirements here.:
Where are Allegion Wiring and Riser Diagrams (Von Duprin, Schlage, LCN) ?
Wiring and Riser diagrams can be accessed at: Common wiring diagrams can be accessed at: Go to "Document Library" > then choose Document type of "Wiring ...:
How do you wire a 4600 to sequence a double door vestibule in both directions?
There are 2 wiring diagrams for sequencing a double door vestibule application shown on page 13 of the 4630/4640 installation instructions.:
What is the power output of a 4600 operator?
The 4600 Series operator has both a 12VDC and 24VDC output rated at 1A (combined load) to power strikes, maglocks, and other devices, but an EL device must have a separate Power Supply for motorize...:
Where can I find wiring information for the Chexit?
Chexit devices shipped before 8-24-2015 with solenoid driven:Attached are the single and double door wiring , cable voltage reading documents for trouble shooting, and the installation in...:
How do you wire an electric strike to a 4600 Series operator?
The 4630/4630 operator has a 12 VDC and 24 VDC output that can power an electric strike or maglock. The wiring diagrams are shown on page 14 of the installation instructions (attached). 4600 Insta...:
Can you power an electric strike or maglock from the 9500 Series Senior Swing?
An electric strike or maglock (24 volt only) can be wired to a Senior Swing 2800/9500 series operator using the P10 Lock Interface cable.For Current Sr Swing control boxes with ID# 72940 on th...:
Were the ALK PCB boards blue at one time?
No, the exit alarm ALK printed circuit board has been always green.:
Will the PT790 work with the ALK?
The new exit alarm ALK uses the 24VDC regulated PS902 power supply.:
What is different about the updated Falcon Exit Alarm (EA) option ?
The Falcon Exit Alarm option was updated in June 2012 to include the following benefits. Louder Alarm 95dbs vs 87dbs Easier battery changes 24Vdc hardwire(HW) option included w...: