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wire run for two el devices
What size wire and run is recommended when using a PS914-2RS?
For Product Shipped Prior to August 2012 using the old (black) potted module:a. 0-100 ft 14 gauge wireb. 0-200 ft 12 gauge wire&nbs...:
What wire gauge and run is recommended for Von Duprin electric latch retraction EL device?
What is the power output of a 4600 operator?
The 4600 Series operator has both a 12VDC and 24VDC output rated at 1A (combined load) to power strikes, maglocks, and other devices, but an EL device must have a separate Power Supply for motorize...:
Does the wire size of an EPT affect the operation of an EL device?
Since most wire transfer devices such as an EPT or electric hinges cannot provide large gauge wires, we take the small gauge wire into account when determining the overall wire size for the device....:
How to wire 873-4TD to have 1 input trigger 2 EL devices?
To trigger two EL devices with one access input, wire your input into SC & I1, the first two screw terminals, then jump from I1 to I2 terminals.:
How many Von Duprin QEL devices can be connected to a power supply?
Product Ordered before 7/10/2012 - Product identified by no label on QEL motor. You must use the 900-2Q option board with the PS900 power supplies to operate the QEL devices. The attached ta...:
Can we run both mag locks and EL devices from the PS 914?
It requires 900-4RL and 900-FA option boards to release the mag locks when a fire alarm is activated. Specify PS914 x 900-4RL x 900-FA.: