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Can I mount an LCN Cush closer with an GJ overhead stop?
It would be unnecessary to use the CNS/Cush arm and the Glynn Johnson overhead devices in the same application, both mechanisms stop the door.:
Does a SEH require a door closer?
The SEH is an "electronic holder" (ONLY) that is used to hold open a Fire Rated opening. It requires a door closer to be mounted on the opposite side. It is normally used on an existing opening wit...:
Does LCN still make a 4010SE / 4110 SE?
The LCN 4010SE / 4110 SE series are obsolete, and on longer available (discontinued around Aug 1995). They were replaced by the 4040SE series.The 4010SE / 4110 SE track is replaced w...:
Can a magnet, or sentronic device, be released and close the door from a button at a desk?
If a door is being held open by the LCN SEM 7800/1900 magnet or any ME/SE Series Sentronic LCN closer, you can remotely release that door to close by ordering the following parts and wiri...:
What is the mounting difference between a 2010 closer and a 2030 closer?
The 2010 and 2030 closer are not the same. The 2010 Series closer uses the (larger) 4010 cylinder which requires a 4" minimum frame tube to mount in. The 2030 uses the (narrow) "Pacer" cylinder...:
Can a 4040 Pull Side closer be mounted with Swing Clear Hinges?
ST-1583 is used to template a 4040 or 4040XP closer mounted hinge side with swing clear hinges. This ST is templating only – it uses standard parts.For current ST add on pricing ...: