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Is a Steelcraft Tech Data Manual available?
A current PDF copy of the Steelcraft Tech Data Manual is available on the Steelcraft website and can be downloaded here.To order a printed copy of the Steelcraft Tech Data Manua...:
Can wood doors be used with with double egress frames?
Yes, wood doors can be used and installed in most hollow metal frame applications including FE-Series and DE-Series Double Egress frames. Caution - For fire rated applications the wood door manufa...:
Will Schlage make a cylinder in another vendors keyway?
Schlage only offers a limited number of keyways that match the BEST sections. Available in keys and cores.Specify keyway using the B suffix: AB = A, BB=B, CB=C, DB = D, DDB=DD, EB = E, FB = F, GB =...:
Does Steelcraft prime paint doors and frame?
All Steelcraft Frame, Door and Architectural Stick components will receive one coat of sprayed-on factory paint which is a baked-on, rust-inhibited primer that conforms to the industry standard ANS...:
Can a door have an InPact device and glass lights?
Glass lights available: Standard Glass Lights - The N4, N5 & V lite can be used at standard locations with out any modification. Glass Light Options - Other glass lights are available but ...:
What anchors are used in FEMA Tornado Resistant openings?
The following anchors are approve for use in FEMA Tornado Resistant openingsMasonry walls:Jamb anchors - Wire masonry anchorsSill (base) anchors - Adjustable base anchorsExisting walls:Jamb an...:
Are masonry T anchor fire rated?
Masonry T anchor are approved for fire rated frames up to 3 hours. T Anchors are shipped lose for field installation. Anchor construction: The T portion and the strap do have minimum dim...:
How to convert a ND series lock cylinder format from PD to BD?
On ND locks manufactured prior to January 30, 2017, the lever, spring cage and tailpiece needed to be replaced with the SFIC lever, SFIC spring cage and the SFIC driver . N123-056 - Outside sp...:
What are the minimum stile and rail dimensions for the L-Series door FG, FG2 & FG3?
The minimum stile and rail dimensions are to exposed glass are: Stiles = 6 13/16" Top Rails = 6 3/4" Center Rails = 7 1/2" Bottom Rail = 10 3/4" For high traffic and high abuse locations th...: