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what does pa stand for
What is the Buy American Act (BAA)?
BAA/ARRA stand for Buy American Act and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. A brief description of some of the federal requirements can be found in the BAA Catalog on the Allegio...:
Does Schlage have a CE mark on their products?
Schlage and Falcon do not offer products that have been evaluated by European Directives (CE).:
What is the difference between a regular arm and the Rw/PA arm?
The Rw/PA arm is simply a regular arm that is packed with a 62PA (parallel arm) shoe, which will allow a (Tri-Pack) closer to be mounted in a regular, top jamb, or parallel arm application.:
What is a 62A shoe used for?
The 62A shoe is used when it is necessary to install the door closer (lower) down on the door so that it will operate under accessories such as overhead stops, coordinators, etc.:
Where is the RA closer reinforcement located on a frame for a Regular Arm Closer?
Optional closer reinforcements are located at 3" from hinge jamb to the beginning of the reinforcement plate. This applies to Regular Arm, Parallel Arm, Top Jamb. Regular Arm (RA) closer reinfor...: