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Where is the catalog information and specifications on the Ives edge guards?
Information for Ives edge guards can be found on pages B51-B53 of the Ives Catalog linked here, and in the edge guard ordering guide linked here.:
Common wiring diagrams
Electronic Protocols: Access Control Door with electric trim Access Control with electric strike Access control with electric strike and LCN 460...:
FastTrack program information
Allegion Employees can access the distributors’ “My Allegion Portal” thru The Frontline Home Page: Click on “My Allegion Distributor Portal” located in the navigation menu on the left si...:
Hollow Metal price estimates
Pricing information is not a part of the Knowledge Center data. For all hollow metal price comparisons please e-mail the Steelcraft Estimating Team. For your reference, the e-mail address...:
What is the Buy American Act (BAA)?
To obtain product certification forms:Download the BAA Catalog on the Allegion website Complete the information requested in the the BAA Catalog with a detailed copy of the prod...:
What BHMA Grade is the Falcon 25 Series exit device?
A copy of the BHMA Directory Listing can be viewed in the online Certified Directory on the BHMA web site. BHMA:
What type of switch is used for the RX and latch monitoring options for the ND and L locks?
The ND-Series RX, the L-Series RX and latch monitoring switches are Form C - Single Pole Double Throw (also known as SPDT).: