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power supply for EL
How many Von Duprin QEL devices can be connected to a power supply?
Product Ordered before 7/10/2012 - Product identified by no label on QEL motor. You must use the 900-2Q option board with the PS900 power supplies to operate the QEL devices. The attached ta...:
What is needed to keep the EL device retracted all day?
To keep the Von Duprin electric latch retraction EL or QELA exit device dogged (retracted) all day, have your access control, Key pad, key switch, fire alarm contact or any other signals ...:
What wire gauge and run is recommended for Von Duprin electric latch retraction EL device?
What is the purpose of the 900-2RS board?
The 900-2RS option board is used with PS914 power supply to isolate the inputs such as key pads or card readers from the outputs for EL electric exit devices. The EL draws 16 amp inrush that needs...:
What power supply is needed for EL devices?
You can use a Von Duprin PS914 power supply with any of the following option boards depending on the application. 900-2RS board will power 1 or 2 devices that do not require timing from pow...:
What is the power output of a 4600 operator?
The 4600 Series operator has both a 12VDC and 24VDC output rated at 1A (combined load) to power strikes, maglocks, and other devices, but an EL device must have a separate Power Supply for motorize...:
Can the 8200 power an EL panic device?
The 8200 can not supply the power needed on an EL dev ice. The EL device requires a Von Duprin PS914-2RS or PS914-4RL power supply or the older Von Duprin PS873-2 or PS873-4TD models.:
What could cause the fuse to blow in a PS873 power supply?
Following could cause the fuse to blow in Von Duprin PS873 power supply. PS873 power supply provides 2AMP at 24VDC or 4AMP at 12VDC. If this limit is exceeded the fuse will blow in the power sup...: