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poor card read range
What card types and formats will our AD and CO smart readers support?
See attachment for details: Smart readers support::
What card formats will our AD and CO magnetic swipe readers support?
See attachment for details: Magnetic Swipe reader supports::
CM Magnetic Stripe Card Track Options
CM locks with a magnetic stripe reader can only be set to read one of the three mag tracks at one time. The CM lock with magnetic stripe reader was shipped from the factory with the magnetic stripe...:
What is the read range of the new Schlage MT11 wall mounted reader?
All read ranges are affected by the environment the reader and card are subjected too. The following data was obtained in a relatively "noisy" RF area with the reader mounted on a metal ...:
What is the read range of the Schlage MT11 wall mounted reader?
All read ranges are affected by the environment the reader and card are subjected too. The following data was obtained in a relatively "noisy" RF area with the reader mounted on a metal ...:
Can the AD-Series and CO-Series magnetic card credential readers be set to read data from different magnetic card tracks?
Customers will need to use the Schlage Utility Software (SUS) on the HHD lock programming device to set the desired magnetic track to be read for access control, if not using default Track 2&n...:
What is the power output of a 4600 operator?
The 4600 Series operator has both a 12VDC and 24VDC output rated at 1A (combined load) to power strikes, maglocks, and other devices, but an EL device must have a separate Power Supply for motorize...:
What Proximity technologies do XceedID readers support?
ISOX card technology is no longer supported - contact XceedID sales:
What card types and formats will our AD and CO proximity readers support?
See attachment for details: Proximity readers support:
Will the door unlock if a Von Duprin CX 98 / 99 Chexit device is deactivated with card reader and has a 996LBE trim?
When a CX99L-BE is not armed the exterior 996L BE lever trim will be free to retract the CX latch for entrance. When the CX99-L BE is armed the exterior 996L BE lever will not move and...:
Can I communicate via RS-232 to a Hand Reader if they have an EN-200 ethernet or MD-500 modem installed?
If a hand reader has an ethernet or modem card installed, the RS-232 port will be automatically configured as a printer output and RS-232 option removed from the SET SERIAL menu. In order to ...:
What are the steps I need to take in order to do a card emulation test between biometric hand readers?
If an access control system is not available to test the card output on a hand reader, this card emulation test can be done to verify the card format is correct. These steps will guide you in...:
How are the solenoid air valves in the 7900 series control boxes marked?
The part number for the solenoid air valve in the 7900 Series control boxes are: 7901/ES7901 - part# 941 - marked A 7902(S)/ES7902(S) - part# 942 - (2 valves) marked A and B 7949/ES7949 - part...: