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parts manuals for schlage lock
When was e.Primus discontinued?
e.Primus was an electronic lock system that used iButton credentials to unlock a door. Product was discontinued in July of 2002 with parts were available only for a short time. Product support fo...:
Old 1981 Schlage Lock Service manual.
The 81 service manual can be found here.:
What backsets are available on Schlage and Falcon locks?
SCHLAGE locks are available with the following backsets: Lock Series Lock Type  ...:
Where can I find hurricane ratings for Schlage and Falcon?
There are several Schlage and/or Falcon locks that have been tested and approved for this application. For Commercial use the locks have been tested and approved as ...:
How do I assemble my ND75 / ND95 lock chassis?
The ND75 / ND95 was discontinued effective June 7th, 2024, and was replaced by the ND78 / ND98:
Is the Schlage Latitude and Longitude lever available in a stainless steel finish?
Beginning January 2, 2013 Schlage will offer the Latitude (LAT) and Longitude (LON) levers in the 629 and 630 stainless steel finishes.:
Does Schlage offer ND conversion kits to convert to Classroom Security function?
For all available ND Series Conversion Kit part numbers, click here.:
How do I program my device?
The programming processes for Allegion devices can be both product and features specific. Some products programming processes are electronic in nature, others are physical in nature. &nb...:
Can we run both mag locks and EL devices from the PS 914?
It requires 900-4RL and 900-FA option boards to release the mag locks when a fire alarm is activated. Specify PS914 x 900-4RL x 900-FA.:
Will a PS902 power my mag lock and my DE5101?
This is possible as long as the total current draw does not exceed the 2 amp capacity of the PS902 power supply. The Schlage Electronics 320, 350, or 390 maglock must be used with a DE5101 and th...: