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Noise at power supply
Why is the Von Duprin PS873 power supply buzzing or chattering?
Some transformers in the power supplies provide a little humming noise and that is normal. If the humming in Von Duprin PS873 power supply is loud follow these steps. Remove the load from the outp...:
How to adjust First, Delay, and Retry in a PIM400 & AD400?
To change FIRST/DELAY/RETRY connect and couple the SUS/HHD to the AD400 and find under the EDIT tab the FIRST/DELAY/RETRY settings. See notes Or connect the SUS/HHD t...:
Maglock Making a "Buzzing" Noise
Why is my mag lock buzzing?
Rattling could be caused by improper mounting of the mounting plate or armature. Make sure all components are properly secured.:
Why would the ALK chirp?
A low battery could cause the exit alarm ALK to chirp. Replace the battery and if it is still chirping, then replace the circuit board part number 101030-00.:
Will an ALK sound when the exterior trim is used to enter from the pull side?
The ALK exit alarm will sound when the exterior trim is used to enter from pull side without using access control when an LX latch bolt monitor switch is used instead of RX push bar monitor switch.:
The Hand Held Device (HHD) or Schlage Utility Software (SUS) will not connect to the CO200?
Make sure the HHD/SUS is set to USB communication by checking the small icon right of the "No Device Connected" message. The symbol should be a USB symbol when working with USB enable product...:
The Von Duprin 98 or 99 ALK kit will not sound the horn
Followings are the reason for 98/99 exit alarm ALK not sound when push bar is activated. Make sure key switch on exit alarm ALK is turned on, wait for 20 seconds before you activating the pushba...:
Why does my Chexit device open without sounding the alarm?
What is an STC rating?
STC stands for Sound Transmission Class. An STC (Sound Transmission Class) is a single number rating system derived from measured values of sound transmission loss in accordance with ASTM E90...:
What would cause my Chexit to go into a weak alarm 10 seconds after arming it?
The following could cause the Chexit device shipped prior to 8-24-2015 with solenoid driven to go into weak alarm with solid LED light: Wrong power supply- Chexit device requires a...:
What is the draw amperage for the E996L?
PS902 is a 2 amp power supply and each E996L electric trim draws 0.25 amps at 24VDC. You can have up to eight E996L electric trim per PS902 power supply.:
What is the Buy American Act (BAA)?
BAA/ARRA stand for Buy American Act and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. A brief description of some of the federal requirements can be found in the BAA Catalog on the Allegio...:
What would cause a PS873 power supply to put out higher than 24Vdc?
The regulator on the main PS873 circuit board has failed. Replace the PS873 with PS914 power supply.:
What power supply is used with RX or LX switches?
The RX switch is request exit and the LX switch is latch bolt monitor switch. They do not require a power supply directly. The electrified hardware that the RX or LX switch...:
What power supply is used to operate the Von Duprin E 996 L trim?
The Von Duprin E996L trim required .22 amps at 24VDC.:
How do I program my device?
The programming processes for Allegion devices can be both product and features specific. Some products programming processes are electronic in nature, others are physical in nature. &nb...: