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mortise cam install
Can the modular cams be used on the older cylinders?
The cams for modular cylinders are unique and are not compatible with any non-modular mortise cylinders, Schlage or any competitors.:
What type of cylinder is the 20-001?
The 20-001 is a conventional mortise cylinder with a straight cam, compression ring and spring for use on rose trim. For use with the L9060 outside cylinder or other straight cam applications.:
Does the Von Duprin CD kit include the machined cover plate for the cylinder?
The Von Duprin CD kit comes with the cover plate machined to accept the cylinder dogging mortise cylinder.1 1/4" mortise cylinder with an inverted straight cam is required for CD option on Von Dupr...:
What is the part number for a Schlage cam to operate a Corbin lock?
Schlage offers several Corbin Russwin competitor cams. The left most column in the image below describes what Corbin function the cam is used on and the additional columns show Modular,...:
What Schlage cam will operate Sargent locks?
Click here for a list of available Schlage cams comparable to the Sargent 13-0660. :
What is the part number for the dogged cam used in modular cylinders?
Effective July, 2014, there is no longer a specific modular cam part number for dogging. The Schlage modular straight cams come with two mounting holes that allow for the cams to be mounted inverte...:
How to install an L9000 mortise lock less outside rose trim?
The L283-150 is a modified mounting plate to allow a user to only install trim on the inside of the L9000. For installation and door prep requirements, see the install sheet. Add...:
How long does it take to install a L Series mortise lock?
Typical installation by an experienced Schlage L lock installer on a door correctly prepped for the Schlage L-Series function could take 10 to 20 minutes. Many outside variables can change the amo...:
How far does the 22 series center case cam have to rotate to fully retract the latch bolt?
What type of cylinder is the 30-001?
The 30-001 is a conventional mortise cylinder with a clover cam, compression ring and spring for use on rose trim. For use with the L9000 mortise locks except for the L9060 outside cylinder.:
How can the Von Duprin 98/9975-L with 996L classroom trim function be converted as a night latch function in field?
The following steps are required to convert the Von Duprin 98/9975L from classroom to night latch function: Order new 996L-NL-M trim and reset NL drive screw in mortise lockbody as se...:
What cam to use for a modular cylinder in Sargent mortise lock?
The Sargent cams listed below work for all applications except 16 inside and 50 outside. The equivalent Sargent cam is the 13-0660. Use the B520-736 for modular cylinder lengths of 1 1/8",...:
Does Schlage offer a cam that will work with a Yale mortise lock?
Schlage offers a comparable cam to the Yale 2160 and it will operate any Yale lock that utilizes the Yale 2160 cam. Schlage Cams for Yale 2160 Part Number Description B520-7...:
What is the standard Falcon cam?
Cams for other applications may be specified with no additional charge, see pricebook.:
What is the standard FSIC mortise housing with a straight cam?
20-059 is the standard straight cam FSIC housing only used with Von Duprin, Monarch, and other straight cam applications. 30-032 is the straight cam FSIC housing only for the outside of the Schl...:
What cylinder do I use on a Von Duprin Keyed Removable Mullion?
see installations instructions here :
What mortise cylinder cam is needed for KR4023?
The KR4023 mullion requires a 1-1/4" mortise cylinder with straight cam. This is stated in box 7 on the first page of the KR4023 mullion instructions.:
What door thickness is available on the L9000 with Olivari trim?
The L9000 locks with Olivari trim are only available for 1 3/4" thick doors.: