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modular hotel cylinder
Explain the function for the L9485.
L9485: Latchbolt retracted by key outside or by knob/lever inside. Outside knob/lever always fixed. Deadbolt thrown or retracted by inside thumbturn. When deadbolt is thrown, all keys become ino...:
How does a Falcon Hotel cylinder operate?
The following document contains information on Falcon (Non I/C) Hotel Cylinders, including part numbers, key requirements and operation. Falcon Hotel Cylinders.:
What Schlage cam will operate Sargent locks?
Click here for a list of available Schlage cams comparable to the Sargent 13-0660. :
What is the part number for the dogged cam used in modular cylinders?
Effective July, 2014, there is no longer a specific modular cam part number for dogging. The Schlage modular straight cams come with two mounting holes that allow for the cams to be mounted inverte...:
When did the modular cylinder launch?
Modular cylinder was launched July 26, 2010 and replaced the standard key-in-lever, mortise, and rim cylinders. For a list of cylinders not affected by the modular cylinder design change cli...:
What is a modular cylinder?
Click here for the Schlage Modular Cylinder Marketing Sell Sheet for information on the modular cylinder.:
What cam to use for a modular cylinder in Sargent mortise lock?
The Sargent cams listed below work for all applications except 16 inside and 50 outside. The equivalent Sargent cam is the 13-0660. Use the B520-736 for modular cylinder lengths of 1 1/8",...:
Can the modular cams be used on the older cylinders?
The cams for modular cylinders are unique and are not compatible with any non-modular mortise cylinders, Schlage or any competitors.:
Do we offer a parts pack for modular mortise or rim cylinder?
See descriptions for the 09-992 thru 09-997 parts kits for modular mortise cylinders. The 09-998 is a kit for a rim cylinder. :
Can you order the old non-modular mortise cylinder?
We have completed our transition to the modular design and no longer have the old design.:
What is the cylinder part number for an ND-Series lock?
ND-Series Cylinder Reference Table Function Door Thickness Cylinder Mechanism Complete Cylinder Non-Hotel Functions Standard Conventional 23-065 Primus 20-765 Pri...:
Hotel/motel lock - Deadbolt thrown or retracted by emergency master key in upper cylinder from outside or thumbturn inside. Deadlatch retracted by key in outside knob, except when the lock is in ...:
What is the part number for an AL Series cylinder?
Refer to table 1 for the list of Schlage AL-Series cylinders. AL-Series Cylinder Reference Table Function Cylinder Mechanism Complete Cylinder Non-Hotel Functions ...:
What cylinder length options are available?
There are different mortise cylinder length options depending on the cylinder type. Below is a list of available options for conventional, FSIC, and SFIC cylinders, as well as the convent...:
What is the part number for a FSIC?
DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER Conventional Core 23-030 Conventional Core less logo 23-031 Primus Core 20-740 Primus XP Core 20-740-XP Primus Core less logo 20-741 ...:
What is a lock function?
Apartment Corridor Lock function is defined as a lock where the latch bolt operated by lever from either side, except when outside lever is made inoperative by a stop or mechanical means other than...:
Need support on a battery operated old hotel swipe card lock called Intellis.
This is a discontinued product no longer support. This product rights were purchased by Westinghouse, (800)-227-1667.: