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MKC-KD lock cylinder install instruction
Why can't I get my JD YA6 cylinder to install into an AD-Series lock?
The JD YA6 tailpiece is intentionally designed such that the tailpiece cannot be installed at the same time as the cylinder. Interchangeable cylinders assume that the lever and taipiece is i...:
Why is the key locking and/or unlocking my E996L for a 9875?
The 7500 mortise lock should be configured for NL function as shipped not as Classroom. See figure 4-3 in E996L instructions.:
Why does my 7500 retract the latch bolt but not re-lock the trim?
Tips for changing the function: The NL Drive screw will not be visible when lock body is set to Classroom function There is locktite on the screw that makes it seem like its turned down enou...:
How to convert a ND series lock cylinder format from PD to BD?
On ND locks manufactured prior to January 30, 2017, the lever, spring cage and tailpiece needed to be replaced with the SFIC lever, SFIC spring cage and the SFIC driver . N123-056 - Outside sp...:
How do I assemble my ND75 / ND95 lock chassis?
The ND75 / ND95 was discontinued effective June 7th, 2024, and was replaced by the ND78 / ND98:
How to install an L9000 mortise lock less outside rose trim?
The L283-150 is a modified mounting plate to allow a user to only install trim on the inside of the L9000. For installation and door prep requirements, see the install sheet. Add...:
Can an L9070 be converted to an L9080?
Purchase the L9080 lock case (part number L283-134), switch it with the L9070 case and use the existing trim.:
What does the cylinder suffix BDC mean?
A small format disposable core is used as a SFIC construction core that is for low security applications and can be thrown in the waste bin after use.:
How to remove a double cylinder deadbolt?
Schlage and Falcon double cylinder deadbolts have concealed screws to prevent tampering. The two methods used to conceal the thru-bolts are using screw caps or a faceplate. Use the below instructio...:
How do I order a lock for a non-standard or thick door?
Most locks will have a standard door range they will install on, but occasionally customers will want to use them on thicker doors. In order to do so, the extended door thick...:
The key just spins on a B560R B561R or B563R deadbolt.
The Schlage full size interchangeable core (FSIC) prepped B560F, B561F, and B563F deadbolts all require a UL fire cup (R) in order to be UL listed. This fire cup is s...:
B663 only throws bolt and wont retract it.
After installing a classroom deadbolt, there is potential for the thumbturn to project the bolt only, get stuck in one position, or move both directions but not move the bolt. These are caused fro...:
Will Schlage locks with a BD suffix accept a BEST SFIC core?
The Schlage B and BD cylinder suffixes designate less small format interchangeable core (SFIC) cylinder prep for the lock. Any SFIC, 6-pin or 7-pin, can be inserted into th...:
Installation instructions for the D251 thumbturn x thumbturn deadbolt.
D251 Installation Instructions: