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le series change functions
Why would the 996L trim not lock or unlock when installed with 98 or 99EO?
The 98/99 rim and vertical rod exit devices are shipped with NL drive screw to function as a Night Latch. To convert the device to Class Room, remove the NL Drive Screw on 98/99 center case ass...:
What is the Lock Modes/States for Apartment Function?
AD Series UI Matrix:
How to build an L-Series chassis.
This Step-by-Step guide is specifically designed for the functions listed below, however, it can be referenced with a majority of L series functions since most of the parts are ...:
How do I change the function of the Von Duprin 7500 mortise lock from Lever ( classroom ) to NL ( night latch )?
To convert the Von Duprin 9975L to 9975NL exit function follow these steps (Note: the mortise lock is shipped as Night Latch from the factory): Turn the NL screw on 7500 mortise lock counter clo...:
How do I convert the Von Duprin 360L control from nightlatch to classroom function?
To convert the Von Duprin 360L/TL from nightlatch to classroom or from classroom to nightlatch invert mortise cylinder cam.:
Can the Von Duprin 230L trim be converted to a Night Latch function?
We do not offer the 230L with night latch function. There is no conversion available. :
How does Dynamic Channel Switching (DCS) work on the AD-Series?
Setting Dynamic Channel Switching 1) Connect and couple the SUS to the PIM400 you intend to change. See the SUS User Guide for details 2) Under “PIM Properties” and the “Edit” tab is ...:
Can an 18-R-L be converted to L-NL function in the field?
Follow step 6 of the 18-R instructions to convert trim function to Night Latch(L-NL).:
Will a 914KIL or a 914-KIL-IC work with my older 19 series exit device?
The (2) mounting studs on the 914KIL or 914KIL-IC changed from 3 1/2" center to center to 4 1/2" CTC in April 2002 to follow a device center case change. Due to this, an older device prior to April...:
What is the power output of a 4600 operator?
The 4600 Series operator has both a 12VDC and 24VDC output rated at 1A (combined load) to power strikes, maglocks, and other devices, but an EL device "always" has to have a separate PS914-2RS Seri...:
Does Schlage offer ND conversion kits to convert to Classroom Security function?
For all available ND Series Conversion Kit part numbers, click here.:
What T lock improvements were made in May 2013?
In mid-May 2013 the Falcon T-Series changed the slide and catch spring used in the chassis to improve overall durability.:
Can you convert the 510 L trim to an L-NL (storeroom) function?
The 510L can be converted to a nightlatch 510L-NL by changing out a few parts to the trim. See 510L to 510L-NL conversion instructions for required parts that will need to be added/r...:
How do you change the 360L to NL function?
To change the 360L from TL (classroom) to NL (Night Latch) function invert the cam on the mortise cylinder. :
How do you change the Von Duprin 990TP trim to NL function?
Recommend to order a new 990NL-R/V or M trim to change from TP/Classroom function to NL/Storeroom function. You will also need to reinstall the NL drive screw back into into the mast...:
AD changing Function in the field
-On the AD series offline locks only you can change the lock function from Classroom/Storeroom to a Privacy, office or apartment function out in the field. - This is done via the HHD/SUS using...:
Did the AL series SFIC lever inserts change?
The SFIC lever insert part number prior to 2001 was the A700-022.:
How can the Von Duprin 98/9975-L with 996L classroom trim function be converted as a night latch function in field?
The following steps are required to convert the Von Duprin 98/9975L from classroom to night latch function: Order new 996L-NL-M trim and reset NL drive screw in mortise lockbody as se...:
Why does my 7500 retract the latch bolt but not re-lock the trim?
Tips for changing the function: The NL Drive screw will not be visible when lock body is set to Classroom function There is locktite on the screw that makes it seem like its turned down enou...:
How do you convert the Von Duprin 370 series controls to NL or night latch function?
You must have the Von Duprin NL Cylinder plate part number 967484-89 to convert the 370 series controls from classroom function to night latch function. If new installation, use the NL cylinde...:
New FSIC driver info for the AL locks.
The new AL FSIC driver part number is A700-052. This driver snaps onto the back of the core similar to the ND, as opposed to it being assembled into the lock chassis with a retaining ring. Th...:
What parts are needed to convert functions on a 8500 mortise lock body?
See Step 3 of the mortise lock reversing instructions(D-4010) which shows function conversions and what part(s) are needed if any are needed.:
How is HB achieved on the 1690 device?
Install the pinion cam at the top of the retractor per Figure 7-3 in Step 7 of 1690 Instructions.:
Can the Von Duprin EL option be added to any existing 98/99 device?
The Von Duprin EL option can be added to any existing 33A/35A, 98/99 series exit devices. :
How does the S51 operate?
The S51 is a tubular entrance lock with a key outside and a turn button on the inside. Function: Unlocked by key from outside when outside lever is locked by turn-button in inside lever. Inside le...:
How do you convert the 914KIL trim to NL function?
The KIL Instructions will show you how to convert trim to Night Latch(NL) function.:
Can a 712L or 912L be converted to L-NL in the field?
The current 712L/912L (after 2/28/2011) can be field converted by purchasing the NL Spring part #600339 and following the L to NL function change instructions.:
Available kits to convert classroom mortise locks to classroom security locks.
Schlage has conversion kits to convert the classroom L/LV9070 to the classroom security L/LV9071 and the classroom holdback L/LV9076 to the classroom security holdback L/LV9077. The...:
Why can't I order an AD-Series or CO-Series mortise deadbolt with a classroom/storeroom (70) function
* NOTE: the AD300/400 devices simply communicate the change in Deadbolt Position status to the Host software. The software then decides what action should or should not be taken at the device. :
How does the Von Duprin 98/99 rim or vertical rod exit device with lever trim convert from L to L-NL function?
To convert the Von Duprin 98/99 Rim or Vertical (Rod or Cable) Exit Device with functional lever (996L-R/V) to act like a rigid lever (996L-NL-R/V) with key over ride follow these steps: R...:
Can a PL7 be converted to a PL8 in the field?
The function of the PL7 or PL8 cannot be changed due to the assemblies being manufactured differently.:
Can a 24-R, 24-V, 25-R, or 25-V device use just a cylinder on the pull side for NL-OP function?
This is possible. A rim cylinder with cylinder anchor plate is used (anchor plate provided with rim cylinder package). No other special components are required. Order device as NL-OP.&...:
Does the Von Duprin E996L trim require the NL drive screw be installed into the device to function properly?
Von Duprin 98/99 NL drive screw is located in back of the 98/99 center case assembly. NL drive screw should be left in with trim lock slide plate in up position in the 98/99 exit device with E99...:
How do you convert 812L to a NL function?
The function of the 812L trim was determined by the device itself for a Rim or Surface vertical rod device. See the appropriate device instructions(link below) under the "Locking ...:
How to convert the Von Duprin E996L trim from FS fail safe to FSE fail secure?
The E996L will ship FS fail safe from the factory if you don't tell us, You can order either FS/FSE. Can be converted to FSE fail secure. To convert the 996L to E996L (fail safe or fail secur...:
How does the 98-2 or 99-2 double cylinder function affect the outside lever trim?
Double cylinder (-2 or -2SI) features an inside key cylinder which locks or unlocks the outside trim and an outside key cylinder which retracts the latch bolt only (Night latch function). Thi...:
Does Von Duprin supply the 9875, 9975, 9875-F and 9975-F mortise exit devices with NL-OP trim function?
For night latch function with pull by others, the 98/99 series mortise exit device should be ordered as NL less trim, e.g., 9875NL-L/TRIM. We will furnish a device only, and the mortise cyl...:
Does Von Duprin have any current trim that can be provided to work with the 44 series device?
The 880 series trim will work with the 44 series device.: