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hm door core
Can an ND lock with SFIC cores be extended to fit a 3" extended outside door?
ND locks can be extended up to 6" Extended Outside. :
What is the Falcon SZ-Series Door?
Falcon SZ Series Door is the economy Steelcraft commercial grade door recommended light commercial applications when architectural specification are not needed. Options: The SZ-Series door is...:
What cores are offered for insulated doors?
Insulated Core Options: Steelcraft L-Series doors are available with the following 2 optional insulated cores: Polystyrene slab - this core is available in non fire rated and fire rated doors...:
Is Rigid Cellular Polyisocyanurate Foam Core the same as Urethane Core?
Polyisocyanurate foam (polyiso) is modified polyurethane foam but offers greater dimensional stability over a wider service temperature range.Polyisocyanurate foam is specifically formulated to pro...:
What are the thermal factors for Steelcraft door products?
All doors are tested in accordance with ASTM C1363 and SDI 113:B18 Series (Steel Stiffeners) U-Factor = 0.50 R-Value = 2.01B16 Series (Steel Sti...:
What are the door cores A, B, C, D, E & F per SDI 100?
These references are from an old and outdated SDI 100 specification. The new specification SDI 100 ANSI A-250.8 does not contain letter designations for core material. Core constructions designat...:
What core options are available in L-Series door?
Door cores are available as follows: L-Series SL-Series and A14-Series Doors: Honeycomb core is standard Polystyrene core is optional Polyurethane core is optional CE-Serie...:
What are the different door cores available?
The five most common cores are honeycomb, polystyrene, polyurethane, steel stiffened, and temperature rise. Honeycomb core doors are used for interior and exterior openings where high thermal...:
Is there honeycomb core around the perimeter of doors that have either polystyrene or polyurethane insulation?
Polystyrene Cores: The L-series door with polystyrene core insulation and the CE-series door have full slab polystyrene core.Polyurethane Cores: The L-series door with polyurethane core has honeyco...:
Can you change 98/9947 WDC device to a 98/9947 hollow metal device?
Yes, for Panic devices only by ordering the top rod kit part #050574, bottom rod kit part #050575, and screw pack #090061. Fire Rated devices can NOT be converted and would require a compl...: