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EL wire length
How do I wire an EL device to normally hold open the latch and release it during a fire alarm?
Use a normally closed fire alarm as the input to the power supply option board (PS873-2 or PS914-2RS), this will hold the latch retracted. During a fire alarm, the contact will open, dropping...:
How to wire 873-4TD to have 1 input trigger 2 EL devices?
To trigger two EL devices with one access input, wire your input into SC & I1, the first two screw terminals, then jump from I1 to I2 terminals.:
How is a ELR or panic device wired to a Senior Swing?
EL devices are wired to the Senior Swing, using the P10 (761465) cable. Connect the "GRAY" wire to the SC terminal on the 900-2RS card in the Von Duprin Power Supply and the "VIOLET" wire to the ...:
What is the power output of a 4600 operator?
The 4600 Series operator has both a 12VDC and 24VDC output rated at 1A (combined load) to power strikes, maglocks, and other devices, but an EL device must have a separate Power Supply for motorize...:
Are the EL wiring harnesses still required with the new potted module?
EL wiring harness is no longer needed with new EL potted modules.:
Is there a template that shows where to drill the hole for E/EL/SS/RX/LX/CX wires?
The hole should be drilled in the field once the end cap is located on the door. It is a 5/8" hole, that is located 5/16" from the end of the mechanism case. See installation instruction of t...:
Why is the Von Duprin PS873 power supply buzzing or chattering?
Some transformers in the power supplies provide a little humming noise and that is normal. If the humming in Von Duprin PS873 power supply is loud follow these steps. Remove the load from the outp...:
Is there a wiring diagram for EL and Von Duprin PS914-2RS power supply?
Reference The 914 Installation instructions.: