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door will not stay closed
How do you adjust the hold open time on a 4600 (4630/4640) operator?
To adjust the hold open time on a 4600 (4630/4640) operator: Press the "MODE" button on the control box 1 time to get into programming mode. The "YELLOW" mode indicator LED next to "HOLD OPEN TI...:
Why would a 4600 not open a full 90 degrees?
A 4600 (4630/4640) not opening to a full 90 degrees could be caused by a couple things: The Opening Force could be set too low. Try increasing the opening force adjustment on the controller a 1/...:
What would cause a 4040SE not to hold the door open?
A 4040SE would not hold the door open if it has : No Voltage or Improper Voltage. Check that the track has proper voltage going to it (24V AC/DC or 120V AC). If 120 volts is supplied...:
Why does the ND40 stay locked after egress?
There is potential for ND40/ND44's manufactured around March 2011 to remain locked after egress, or after the latch is depressed. There was an issue with the keycam that created a bind when l...:
What does BOCA mean for the Von Duprin Chexit device?
The Von Duprin Chexit-BOCA has special software. Following is the function of this software: When Chexit device push bar is pushed and goes into alarm it will release in 15/30 sec...:
Why does the Schlage button light up “Green” when I open the door?
When unlocking the CO200 door by mechanical key override, the green led will be continuously ON until the key is released. This will occur after firmware CO.A.6 (or later) has been installed int...:
What causes am ME Series closer to creep shut (creeper)?
If an ME Series closer creeps shut or will not hold open, Verify proper voltage is being supplied to the closer, if correct Check the on/off switch. Verify the voltage on the 2 pin co...:
How do you adjust a door closer?
How to: What are the steps to adjust a door closer? Facts: All LCN and FALCON door closers will have 3 regulating valves and a spring adjustment. All cl...:
What is the maximum door weight recommended for LCN closers?
The maximum recommended door weight for LCN manual closers is 225 lbs.:
Can you replace a regular arm with a hold open with out moving the door closer?
Yes, as long as you stay with the like style arm. Example: replace an RW/PA with HW/PA, replace an EDA with HEDA, or replace a CUSH with HCUSH.:
Are the Falcon SC Series door closers fire rated?
Yes, the Falcon SC Series closers have a UL listing.:
Does LCN still make a closer that has the built in smoke detector?
The SED/MED series closers were discontinued in 2000. The SE or ME series from LCN can be used as replacements to provide a hold open feature, but will not have the smoke detectors a...:
Can you install a 4041 pull side at 180 degrees?
The maximum opening is 120° with the 4041/4041XP standard templating on the pull side of the door.For pull side mount, you can achieve 160° of door opening with ST-2359, which consists of...:
What is the maximum degree of opening you can template a 4110 Cush closer?
The 4110 Cush closer can be templated for 85°, 90°, 100°, and 110° maximum as standard templates.The 4110 if ordered by ST-3220 will allow templating to 135°:
Can a pull side mounted 1460 open 180°
A 1260 Pull Side can be mounted standard template for 180°, frame and trim permitting.: