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door closer leaks oil
What would cause a door closer to slam?
There are a few things that can cause a closer to slam. The closer could be adjusted incorrectly. Turn all regulating screws clockwise until they stop. Then open each valve 1 and 1/2 turns. If t...:
Does Steelcraft prime paint doors and frame?
All Steelcraft Frame, Door and Architectural Stick components will receive one coat of sprayed-on factory paint which is a baked-on, rust-inhibited primer that conforms to the industry standard ANS...:
Is there adjustment limits on the regulation valves of LCN manual closers?
The regulation valves are designed to adjust the flow the hydraulic fluid in the closer which regulates the door closing speed through various phases of the closing cycle. The regulation valv...:
What is a 62A shoe used for?
The 62A shoe is used when it is necessary to install the door closer (lower) down on the door so that it will operate under accessories such as overhead stops, coordinators, etc.:
Where are hardware templates?
All the templates can be found at Please click here :
Can the fluid in an LCN door closer be filled out in the field?
The fluid in an LCN closer must not be refilled in the field. See attached Warranty and Repair Communication :
Can the 4630/4640 cylinder only be replaced?
The 4040(XP) door closer can be used as a temporary replacement in a 4630/4640 operator to provide manual control of the door while the 4630/4640 closer cylinder is being repaired or a replacement ...:
Does LCN sell a coupler to stack two 4040XP closers together?
LCN does not recommend this type of installation, and has never sold a coupler to do this.:
What is the LCN fluid - "Liquid X" - temperature range?
The LCN closer fluid "Liquid X" will perform without variation between: -30° F to +120° F - for manual closers. +35° F to +120° F - for electrical closers and a...: