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defective motor hearbox
Why is my QEL device not retracting completely?
You may have a defective motor bracket, defective base plate or vertical rod could be out of adjustment.:
What would cause a 4600 (4630/4640) to keep blowing fuses as soon as the 120VAC cable is plugged into control box?
The main AC fuse would blow if there is a direct short across the AC line. This could be caused by a:1. Defective I/O PC Board (-3180) To check - unplug the control box AC power cable (2 wire)...:
Why would a 4600 not open a full 90 degrees?
A 4600 (4630/4640) not opening to a full 90 degrees could be caused by a couple things: The Opening Force could be set too low. Try increasing the opening force adjustment on the controller a 1/...:
What would cause the Von Duprin delay egress Chexit device not to provide delay egress?
For Solenoid driven Chexit devices shipped from the factory prior to 8-24-2015, the following could cause the device not to provide delay egress:Measure the voltage between green and orange wires o...: