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CX with AO
Is the the PS914 EL wiring adapter needed for Von Duprin Chexit device?
The EL Wiring Adapter is not needed for a CX device.:
Solenoid on Chexit pulls back and immediately lets go and alarm goes off with red solid light.
The following could cause the Chexit solenoid ( devices shipped prior to 8-24-2015) pulls in then drop out with no alarm. Mechanical adjustment such as vertical rods. Disconnect t...:
Will the door unlock if a Von Duprin CX 98 / 99 Chexit device is deactivated with card reader and has a 996LBE trim?
When a CX99L-BE is not armed the exterior 996L BE lever trim will be free to retract the CX latch for entrance. When the CX99-L BE is armed the exterior 996L BE lever will not move and...:
Why is my Von Duprin CX going into a weak alarm after the rearm delay?
Chexit devices shipped prior to 8-24-2015 with solenoid - the solenoid pulls and drops, the alarm sounds, there is a solid LED or no LED light after the rearm t...:
Why does the auto operator not open the door when installed with a Chexit?
Chexits are NOT electric latch retraction devices, therefore the latch will not retract and allow the opener to swing the door open. Chexits block and unblock the latch. In order for a Ch...:
Is there an external horn for use with the Chexit device?
Schlage Electronics 1910 series horn can be used as an external horn with Von Duprin Chexit device.:
Chexit goes into alarm with fast flashing LED and not locking after rearm time.
Chexit devices shipped prior to 8-24-2015 with solenoid driven: Chexit device has a RX switch with a connector that needs to be connected to the Chexit module otherwise the alarm will sound af...: