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ALK switch replace
Can the Von Duprin Chexit device be changed to ALK exit alarm?
The Chexit device has a different base plate and center case than the ALK. The Chexit device would need to be replaced with an ALK device.:
Does a Von Duprin ALK kit come with an RX switch?
ALK kit comes with standard RX switch. It can be ordered without the RX switch or with LX switch as an option.:
Does the Von Duprin ALK require the RX switch to operate?
The RX switch is required to activate the ALK. The RX switch monitors the pushbar and will signal the ALK to go into alarm when the pushbar is depressed. The RX switch also allows free in...:
Why should you use the LX switch with an ALK being used in Von Duprin surface vertical rod devices?
You should use the LX switch with the Von Duprin surface vertical rod exit device because the rods are exposed and are vulnerable to attack. IE, the top rod can be grasped and forced down to retrac...:
What power supply replaces the Von Duprin 9VDC PS9 power supply?
The PS9 power supply was discontinued. The new exit alarm ALK can either use a 9VDC battery or 24VDC regulated power supply. There is no direct replacement for Von Duprin PS9 power supply. Cur...:
Is a switch required to operate the Von Duprin ALK unit?
Yes. The exit alarm ALK is shipped standard with a RX, request to exit switch, but can work with the optional LX, latch bolt monitor switch. If there is no switch in the device it will never alarm.:
What is different about the updated Falcon Exit Alarm (EA) option ?
The Falcon Exit Alarm option was updated in June 2012 to include the following benefits. Louder Alarm 95dbs vs 87dbs Easier battery changes 24Vdc hardwire(HW) option included w...:
Who can adjust or replace the Chexit RX switch?
For Chexit devices with solenoid driven shipped from the factory prior to 8-24-2015, the RX switch is ordered as a "Special CX RX Switch". It may only be installed or adjusted ...:
What is the part number for the CX-RX switch?
For solenoid driven Chexit devices shipped from the factory prior to 8-24-2015, the RX switch is no longer available. This part was discontinued in 2019.If the older version Chexit RX switch ...:
When should I update the firmware in my AD Series or CO Series products?
Steps to determine what firmware version your products are currently using AND if a firmware update is suggested: 1) Use the Hand Held Device (HHD) and Schlage Utility Software (SUS) applicat...:
What parts need to be replaced to switch escutcheons?
You need to replace the outside lever and escutcheon assembly, the inside escutcheon, and the escutcheon thru-bolts. The part numbers are specific to the function. Reference the pricebook.:
Can an existing 1990 be changed to an EL1490 and use the existing rods?
The EL1490 does not use the same rods as the 1990. However, the EL1690 would use the existing rods which would be the device used to exchange a 1990 device.:
How does Dynamic Channel Switching (DCS) work on the AD-Series?
Setting Dynamic Channel Switching 1) Connect and couple the SUS to the PIM400 you intend to change. See the SUS User Guide for details 2) Under “PIM Properties” and the “Edit” tab is ...:
What is the California State Reference Code regarding lever return?
This is in regards to the California State Reference Code, (Formerly Title 19, California State Fire Marshal Standard) stating that all levers with returns comply; levers must return to within 1/2"...:
What is the door-to-lever tip distance on the S Jupiter lever?
The lever return distance (tip of lever to door face) on the Jupiter lever design is approximately 1-3/4".: