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Is a Von Duprin or Falcon EL device available in 12V?
Electric latch retraction, EL, devices are only available in 24VDC. (Note: The EL option for 24/25 series and related service parts have been discontinued as of 7/25/2022):
Do we offer electrified trim for DOM devices?
There is no electrified trim for the DOM line of exit devices.:
How far down can an exit device be cut down in the field?
For most exit devices, please refer to the specific device series catalog for minimum door opening width the device can be cut down to fit. Be aware that some device options, frame...:
Are the solenoids for DOM and Von Duprin the same?
The solenoids for Von Duprin and DOM are different.:
Does the wire size of an EPT affect the operation of an EL device?
Since most wire transfer devices such as an EPT or electric hinges cannot provide large gauge wires, we take the small gauge wire into account when determining the overall wire size for the device....: