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XP device template
What electric strike can be used with the XP98/99 devices?
Von Duprin does not recommend using Electric Strikes with XP98/99 Rim Exit Devices.The design of the latchbolt creates a stronger holding force when used with the 909 or 954 mechanical strikes desi...:
What mullions should be used with XP devices?
The Von Duprin XP98/99 device uses a different strike than standard 98/99 device. The 909 strike is for non fire rated XP devices and the 954 strike is for the fire rated XP device. 49/9954 mul...:
Is the Von Duprin EL option available on Von Duprin XP98 or XP99 exit devices?
The EL (Electrified) option is available with Von Duprin XP98/99 exit devices. To order, specify ELXP98/99 with proper trim.:
How does the latch bolt retract on the Von Duprin XP device?
The latch bolt on an XP98/99 exit device does not retract. The latch bolt will release and pivot out of the way when push bar is depressed or out side trim is activated.:
Which strike do you use with an XP98/99 device?
The 1609 strike cannot be used with Von Duprin XP98/99 exit device.:
Where can I find templates for the 237L two point latch device?
Click HERE for the instruction and template for 237L device.:
Is there a template that shows where to drill the hole for E/EL/SS/RX/LX/CX wires?
The hole should be drilled in the field once the end cap is located on the door. It is a 5/8" hole, that is located 5/16" from the end of the mechanism case. See installation instruction of t...:
What is the difference between Von Duprin 98/9947 and 98/9948 concealed vertical rod devices?
They both use Template # 10320_c:
Can a 24-R, 24-V, 25-R, or 25-V device use just a cylinder on the pull side for NL-OP function?
This is possible. A rim cylinder with cylinder anchor plate is used (anchor plate provided with rim cylinder package). No other special components are required. Order device as NL-OP.&...:
What is the SUS feature "Device Template"
See the attached Technical Note for instructions on saving a "Device Template" FROM a device or loading TO a device, Device Template Tech NoteOn the SUS/HHD go to the LOCK Properties tab, and sele...:
Where is the template for the 718 trims made after 2/28/2011 for Falcon/Monarch concealed vertical rod devices?
Templates for current 718 series trim can also be found on Falcon website:
What templates do I use for the RX98L x E996L?
Click Here to view the Hollow Metal or Wood Door Templates for Von Duprin devices The E996L trim and RX98/99 devices use the standard 996L and 98/99 templa...:
Can a magnet, or sentronic device, be released and close the door from a button at a desk?
If a door is being held open by the LCN SEM 7800/1900 magnet or any ME/SE Series Sentronic LCN closer, you can remotely release that door to close by ordering the following parts and wiri...:
On which closer is the fusible link arm available?
The Fusible Link arm is available with the 4010, 4020 and 4110 series closers. They all use the same Fusible Link arm. The UL Listing number is for the Fusible Link arms is R1943.The 4010 Series ca...:
Can I mount an LCN Cush closer with an GJ overhead stop?
It would be unnecessary to use the CNS/Cush arm and the Glynn Johnson overhead devices in the same application, both mechanisms stop the door.:
Is there a wood door template for the 9957?
There is not a wood template for 9957 three point latches, use the 98/99 rim template W10301 to get the correct device backset. For NL trim (990NL) use trim template and installation instruction W...:
Where is the template for the 25C NL-OP?
The NL-OP function for 25-C uses the 718C trim, so template T-2211 for metal doors and W-2211 for wood doors for 718 trims prior to 2/28/2011. T-2211 for trims prior to 2/28/2011 W-2211 for...: