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What keyway is available in Falcon SFIC restricted keyways
What is an FA2 keyway?
The Ilco A1054WC is the same as the Falcon or Weiser 6-pin E keyway:
What is the FA3 keyway?
The FA3 keyway is the ILCO equivalent to a Falcon Conventional G 6-pin keyway.:
Can I put a Schlage Key-In-Lever cylinder into a Falcon D100 or D200 lock?
For a Schlage "C" keyway: Specify "CP6" as the cylinder suffix when ordering D100 or D200 locks (All other Schlage keyways are not available).:
What keyway comes with the Falcon 19-KIL?
The standard cylinder keyway that comes with the 914KIL trim is a Schlage 6 pin "C" section.:
Will Falcon B locks prepped for BD accept a 6 or 7 pin core?
The B series accepts 6 or 7 pin small format cores when specifying with the "BD" cylinder suffix (less small format interchangeable core). The tailpiece shown below is used for bo...:
Does Schlage offer restricted SFIC keyways?
Schlage Everest B keyways are restricted SFIC keyways.:
Is a standard cylinder keyway such as "C" available in SFIC?
It is not possible to key SFIC and standard cylinders including Schlage FSIC into the same system. A keyway name may be shared between the two key fami...:
What is the Falcon restricted keyway process for new end users?
A PO from a distributor with a letter of authorization from the end user.:
Will Schlage make a cylinder in another vendors keyway?
Schlage only offers a limited number of keyways that match the BEST sections. Available in keys and cores.Specify keyway using the B suffix: AB = A, BB=B, CB=C, DB = D, DDB=DD, EB = E, FB = F, GB =...:
What is the M504-413 tool used for?
See attachment that describes this tool.:
Is the CS200, S200, or S locks available in SFIC?
The CS200, S200, and S-Series is not available with the small format interchangeable core option.:
Is the CS210 available with SFIC or FSIC?
Schlage is pleased to announce in January 2012 the addition of small format interchangeable core (SFIC) and full size interchangeable core (FSIC) to our CS210 interconnected lock series. Clic...:
Is the B250 series deadbolt available with a small format interchangeable core?
The B250 product line is not available in the SFIC platform.: