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what is wide
What electric strike will work with mortise lock and aluminum 1 1/2" faced frame?
Von Duprin doesn't offer any electric strike to fit into 1 1/2" aluminum/metal faced frame. Minimum requirement to install 6211/6211AL is 1 15/32" mortise depth.:
What exit devices are available for 2' 0" wide doors?
We can build 33/3527A/F, 33/3547A/F, 98/9927/F, and 98/9947/F exit devices for 2 feet wide doors. Please note: therse are all vertical rod type devices. Because options within the e...:
What's the maximum door width?
The maximum width door the Steelcraft can make is 4' 0":
What is the diameter of the danmark rose?
The danmark roses are all 2 1/4" in diameter.:
Can a 450 overhead be used on a 48" wide door hung with butt hinges or offset pivots?
The 455 can be mounted on a 48" wide door, but we cannot guarantee that it will withstand the forces involved. Recommend using 906 instead.:
Can a 4110 closer be mounted on a 24 inch door?
Standard templating will allow a 4110 closer to be mounted on 24" wide door.:
Are masonry T anchor fire rated?
Masonry T anchor are approved for fire rated frames up to 3 hours. T Anchors are shipped lose for field installation. Anchor construction: The T portion and the strap do have minimum dim...: