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What is ED
How do I order a lock for a non-standard or thick door?
Most locks will have a standard door range they will install on, but occasionally customers will want to use them on thicker doors. In order to do so, the extended door thick...:
What is the difference between ED and EL for Doromatic devices?
EL only retracts the latchbolt or vertical rods/latches. Pulling on or tampering with the push bar has no effect on the solenoid plunger remaining seated in the solenoid. ED retract...:
Is there a conversion kit to add Electronic Dogging (ED) or Electric Latch Retraction (EL) to a 1690 or 1790 in the field?
There is no conversion kit to add EL or ED to an existing 1690 or 1790 series device. All of the components are built into the device, since the device does not have a separate base...: