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what is an nl function
Can you convert the 510 L trim to an L-NL (storeroom) function?
The 510L can be converted to a nightlatch 510L-NL by changing out a few parts to the trim. See 510L to 510L-NL conversion instructions for required parts that will need to be added/r...:
What is the difference between Night Latch (NL) and Class Room function?
Night Latch (NL)= key retracts the latch momentarily to allow entry. When key is removed, the latch will extend and locks the door (momentary unlock). Class Room (Lock/ Unlock)= key unlocks...:
How do you change the Von Duprin 990TP trim to NL function?
Recommend to order a new 990NL-R/V or M trim to change from TP/Classroom function to NL/Storeroom function. You will also need to reinstall the NL drive screw back into into the mast...:
How do you convert 812L to a NL function?
The function of the 812L trim was determined by the device itself for a Rim or Surface vertical rod device. See the appropriate device instructions(link below) under the "Locking ...:
Does Von Duprin offer an NL or NL-OP function with the 8827 exit device?
This option is not available as there is no NL cam to directly drive the rods and using a key to lift the heavy stainless, brass or bronze rods would damage the key. :
How to order a 25-C device with the NL-OP trim function?
Device would be ordered as a 25C-C as of June 2012.The C-C suffix designates the 25C will come with the 718C-C cylinder control which uses a 1-¼" mortise with a narrow straight cam:
How is HB achieved on the 1690 device?
Install the pinion cam at the top of the retractor per Figure 7-3 in Step 7 of 1690 Instructions.:
How do I convert the Von Duprin 360L control from nightlatch to classroom function?
To convert the Von Duprin 360L/TL from nightlatch to classroom or from classroom to nightlatch invert mortise cylinder cam.:
How do you convert the Von Duprin 370 series controls to NL or night latch function?
You must have the Von Duprin NL Cylinder plate part number 967484-89 to convert the 370 series controls from classroom function to night latch function. If new installation, use the NL cylinde...: