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Outside lever assembly
What parts need to be replaced to switch escutcheons?
You need to replace the outside lever and escutcheon assembly, the inside escutcheon, and the escutcheon thru-bolts. The part numbers are specific to the function. Reference the pricebook.:
What is the part number for the outside trim assembly on L9000 mortise locks?
Outside Knob/Lever and Rose/Escutcheon Assemblies Part Number Description A Rose with Knob/Lever 09-506 Designs: 01 02 03 05 06 07 12 17 18 OME 41 42 09-655 Des...:
Why is the ND lever hard to push on?
ND locks shipping on or after January 30, 2017 no longer require the use of the soft durometer spacer. Lever installation on the redesigned ND locks should not be difficult.:
Why does the ND40 stay locked after egress?
There is potential for ND40/ND44's manufactured around March 2011 to remain locked after egress, or after the latch is depressed. There was an issue with the keycam that created a bind when l...:
Is the MA lock available with the RX feature?
The MA RX features a single switch within the chassis that will monitor both the inside and outside knob/lever. The switch is only available as Normally Open (NO).: