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older lockset parts
What is the part number for the lever return spring for the old M series mortise lock?
Falcon is reintroducing the lever return spring for the discontinued Falcon M mortise series. Effective November 1, 2014 the lever return spring is now available for purchase with a list pric...:
Are there parts available for the old D lever locks?
The D lever was discontinued in October 2003 and there are no parts available.:
What are the part numbers for the 34 or 58 mortise lock bodies?
The only parts that are available for 34/58 for mortise lock bodies are: 091032 Aux Bolt Spring Pack of 10 091031 Dog Spring Pack of 10 091030 Thumb Spring Pack of 5:
Why does the lever on my T lock lever droop?
Issue: One or both levers don't stay horizontal and droop down. Facts: Falcon T series locks in a high use application. Cause: Weak or broken springs within t...:
What are the part numbers for the new Falcon T latches?
Falcon T Lock Latches No Longer Offered With The T Lock Effective mid June 2013 Old Part Number New Part Number &nb...:
Are parts still available for the old Falcon M locks?
Related solution: What is the part number for the lever return spring for the old M series mortise lock?:
What was the part number for the old D series levers spring cage?
The old D series springcage part numbers are as follows: C303-035 - Inside Springcage C303-036 - Outside Springcage These parts are no longer available.:
How do you order the L series lock with an ADA thumbturn?
Effective December 9, 2019, Schlage L Series mortise locks with a thumbturn will ship standard with our new ADA thumbturn. The new ADA thumbturn is slightly smaller than the existing design w...:
New FSIC driver info for the AL locks.
The new AL FSIC driver part number is A700-052. This driver snaps onto the back of the core similar to the ND, as opposed to it being assembled into the lock chassis with a retaining ring. Th...: