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new ND lock spindle
What other locks can the blue lever removal tool 24002693 be used with?
On August 15, 2012 Schlage began shipping a new, more ergonomic, lever removal tool to coincide with Phase 1 of the ND-Series improvement project. This tool can be used for Schlage ND-Series ...:
How can I tell if I have a new ND lock or the previous design?
ND locks shipping on or after January 30, 2017 will look very similar when assembled to their predecessor that shipped prior to that date. There are several ways to distinguish the old versus the n...:
How to convert a ND series lock cylinder format from PD to BD?
On ND locks manufactured prior to January 30, 2017, the lever, spring cage and tailpiece needed to be replaced with the SFIC lever, SFIC spring cage and the SFIC driver . N123-056 - Outside sp...: