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lockset storeroom, classroom, privacy
What is the difference between the classroom and storeroom functions?
ANSI F84 Classroom Lock Outside lever locked and unlocked by key. Inside lever always unlocked for immediate egress. ANSI F86 Storeroom Lock Outside lever fixed. Entra...:
What is the Multi Point LM9300 Series?
MultiPoint locks are three-point locking systems that secure the door at three points – top, bottom, and traditional center latch location. Operating just like traditional locks, MultiPoint locks...:
What locks are always locked on the outside?
The storeroom lock function is described as follows: Latch bolt operated by key from outside or by operating inside lever. Outside lever is always inoperative. The following are storeroom functi...:
What is a lock function?
Apartment Corridor Lock function is defined as a lock where the latch bolt operated by lever from either side, except when outside lever is made inoperative by a stop or mechanical means other than...:
What is the difference between a classroom and an entry lock?
CLASSROOM LOCK: A lock that locks and unlocks the outside lever with a key. Inside is always free egress. ENTRY LOCK: A lock that locks and unlocks the outside lever with button/turn on the insi...: