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lever trim droop
Why does the lever on my T lock lever droop?
Issue: One or both levers don't stay horizontal and droop down. Facts: Falcon T series locks in a high use application. Cause: Weak or broken springs within t...:
Why does my lever sag on an L9000?
Levers may sag due to an incorrectly installed springcage or an incorrect springcage.Mortise locks with a fixed (rigid) lever such as an L9080 will use a spacer on the rigid lever (outside) and a s...:
What are some causes for a Von Duprin 996L lever to droop or sag?
The lever may be in the break away position. The 996L has a break away design. If the lever has been forced down to a 6 o’clock position, it needs to be firmly pulled up to a horizontal pos...:
What would cause the Von Duprin 88 series exit device latchbolt not to extend and the crossbar to droop?
The spring in the hinge case or end case assembly lifts the crossbar and both lever arms. If broken, the crossbar and lever arms will drop down. The weight of the crossbar and levers will automati...:
What are the new announced ND-Series features?
ND-series locks manufactured on or after January 30, 2017 will ship with an improved spring cage and matching lever design. The design features are noted below. Because of this change, there a...:
How does the Von Duprin 98/99 rim or vertical rod exit device with lever trim convert from L to L-NL function?
To convert the Von Duprin 98/99 Rim or Vertical (Rod or Cable) Exit Device with functional lever (996L-R/V) to act like a rigid lever (996L-NL-R/V) with key over ride follow these steps: R...:
Can the Schlage danmark levers be added to the 996?
The Schlage Danmark levers are not available on the Von Duprin 996L lever trim.: