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What are the MA lock electrical requirements?
For additional details and a wiring diagram see the MA service manual page on electrical requirements here.:
What is the low battery threshold for the AD and CO Locks?
CO200 & CO250 Disable coin cell Nuisance delay and blink, With CO.A.7 and SUS 4.10.2 or newer for CO200 and CO250, you can use the SUS/HHD, under Lock Properties, Edit, to de-select, DISABLE, t...:
Can I get Falcon locks in a 612 finish?
Effective Feb 25, 2008 Falcon no longer offer a 612 finish on any product.:
Can you get the ND series lock in a 609 finish?
As standard the ND lock is not available in a 609 finish.:
Old 1981 Schlage Lock Service manual.
The 81 service manual can be found here.:
Can an ND lock with SFIC cores be extended to fit a 3" extended outside door?
ND locks can be extended up to 6" Extended Outside. :
How long is the ND tailpiece for a thick door?
Schlage ND-Series tailpieces for extended doors are available by only two means, but are not available to order separately. If an extended tailpiece is needed, then a complete lock ...:
What are the part numbers for the ND lock spring cages?
ND-series locks manufactured before January 30, 2017 used the following spring cages::
Is there a thick door kit for the B500 deadbolt?
B500 with standard cylinders How to order with the deadbolt:Door thickness over 1 3/4" to 2 1/4", specify door thickness when deadbolt is orderedDoor thickness greater than 2 1/4" will require...:
What cylinder and cam is used with the 650 series keyswitch?
If blocking rings (PN 36-079) are needed, specify dimensions when ordering. See below for blocking ring (PN 36-079) dimensions. Blocking RingSpecify Dimension 1//8" 012 3/16"&nb...:
Does the B600 series fit on a 1-3/8" thin door?
The B600 (standard cylinder only) can be be specified for 1 3/8" thin doors and the appropriate parts will be supplied. Interchangeable cores are not available for 1 3/8" thin doors.:
What is the part number for the SFIC rim cylinder driver?
The Schlage SFIC rim cylinder driver is part number B520-365, shown below. Figure 1: SFIC Rim Cylinder Housing:
Will Schlage make a cylinder in another vendors keyway?
Schlage only offers a limited number of keyways that match the BEST sections. Available in keys and cores.Specify keyway using the B suffix: AB = A, BB=B, CB=C, DB = D, DDB=DD, EB = E, FB = F, GB =...:
Is a standard cylinder keyway such as "C" available in SFIC?
It is not possible to key SFIC and standard cylinders including Schlage FSIC into the same system. A keyway name may be shared between the two key fami...:
Did the AL series SFIC lever inserts change?
The SFIC lever insert part number prior to 2001 was the A700-022.:
Is the CS210 available with SFIC or FSIC?
Schlage is pleased to announce in January 2012 the addition of small format interchangeable core (SFIC) and full size interchangeable core (FSIC) to our CS210 interconnected lock series. Clic...:
What is the part number for the AL SFIC spacers?
The part number for one spacer is D500-000.:
What is the part number for the SFIC tail piece for a W lock?
Q330-168 SFIC Tailpiece (throw member for levers) Q330-169 SFIC Tailpiece (throw member for knobs) :
Is the CS200, S200, or S locks available in SFIC?
The CS200, S200, and S-Series is not available with the small format interchangeable core option.:
Does Schlage offer restricted SFIC keyways?
Schlage Everest B keyways are restricted SFIC keyways.:
Is the B250 series deadbolt available with a small format interchangeable core?
The B250 product line is not available in the SFIC platform.:
What parts are needed to convert JD to BD on an ND lock?
For ND Locks shipping prior to January 30, 2017:The springcage(s), lever, and core driver will need to be changed. Depending on the function the components below are required.Outside spring c...:
How do you order the ND series lock with a small format core?
The letters GD, HD, BD, or BDC should be put after the lock function. EXAMPLE: ND53BD GD = Schlage SFIC core HD = Construction core BD = Less core BDC = Plastic temporary construction core:
Will Falcon B locks prepped for BD accept a 6 or 7 pin core?
The B series accepts 6 or 7 pin small format cores when specifying with the "BD" cylinder suffix (less small format interchangeable core). The tailpiece shown below is used for bo...:
(Small Format Interchangeable Core is a small format cylinder core which can be removed from one housing and placed into another lock without removing or disassembling the lockset/door hardware.:
Driver pins on SFIC mortise housings loosen up and fall out.
Issue: Schlage SFIC mortise cylinders have potential for the driver pins to fall out affecting the ability to lock and unlock the device.Facts: Housings manufactured between 06/01/2...:
Does the Schlage SFIC rim housings accept both 6 and 7 pin IC cores?
The Schlage small format interchangeable core rim cylinders 80-329, 80-159, 80-116, and 08-129 can accept 6 pin and 7 pin small format cores.:
Will the SFIC mortise housing accept both six and seven pin cores?
Yes. Both Schlage and Falcon SFIC mortise housings will accept 6 and 7 pin cores with no additional parts.:
How can you tell the difference between the FSIC and SFIC cores?
There are several ways to spot differences, see Figure 1, but the easiest is to look at the face of each core. The face of both cores looks like a "figure 8". With small format, bo...:
What is the part number for the SFIC driver on the AL locks?
The small format core throw member for the AL locks is C604-381.:
What parts are shipped with the 80-036 uncombinated SFIC core?
Uncombinated cores are furnished less keys, pins and springs. Ordering the 80-036 will get you an empty core so you can key it.:
Clip on the B500 or D200 SFIC deadbolt comes off shortly after installation.
Verify the door thickness is 1 5/8" or greater per the pricebook. Thin doors will force the clip off the housing. If door thickness is correct then replace the product as needed. ...:
Will Schlage locks with a BD suffix accept a BEST SFIC core?
The Schlage B and BD cylinder suffixes designate less small format interchangeable core (SFIC) cylinder prep for the lock. Any SFIC, 6-pin or 7-pin, can be inserted into th...:
What is the M504-413 tool used for?
See attachment that describes this tool.:
What cylinders are available with UL437?
UL437 is testing requirement that cylinders pass both a timed cylinder pick test, a forceful core/cylinder pull test as well as a destructive entry test. We have various c...:
Schlage AL small format spacer installation requirements.
The Schlage AL-Series SFIC locks require one (1) small format spacer (D500-000) for 7-pin cores and two (2) small format spacers for 6-pin cores. When these spacers are not ins...:
What are the part numbers for the SFIC driver and spacer used on the ND series locks?
There are several part numbers available: Part Number Contents 09-774 SFIC driver & Spacer N523-091 SFIC driver D500-000 Spacer: