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j suffix FSIC
What does the cylinder suffix BDC mean?
A small format disposable core is used as a SFIC construction core that is for low security applications and can be thrown in the waste bin after use.:
Does the PD listed with lock model number mean anything?
Schlage and Falcon use the P cylinder suffix to designate conventional key-in-lever (KIL) 6 pin cylinder. The D means that the lock will have a deadlatch.:
Does Von Duprin offer a classroom security option with visual status indication?
Von Duprin offers two options: The CDSI/HDSI Dogging Indicator provides an at-a-glance verification of the status of the door from inside of the room. Visible “LOCKED” and “UNLO...:
Will Schlage locks with a BD suffix accept a BEST SFIC core?
The Schlage B and BD cylinder suffixes designate less small format interchangeable core (SFIC) cylinder prep for the lock. Any SFIC, 6-pin or 7-pin, can be inserted into th...:
What type of core will a lock with the cylinder suffix "J" accept?
The full size interchangeable cores or FSIC from Schlage.:
How to order a T series lock with a Corbin Russwin full size interchangeable prep.
Specify the J cylinder suffix followed by IC-CR6 or IC-CR7 (6 or 7 pin Corbin core) Example: T581J IC-CR6 This will accommodate an 8000 or 8000-7 Corbin Russwin Full Size core.:
Can I get the RU series with a Schlage Full Size Interchangeable core?
The RU lock can accept a Schlage Full Size core, but the cylinder suffix must be specified as "J IC-SC" so the correct parts are supplied. The tailpiece will come with the lock. Example: RU581J IC-SC:
Will Schlage make a cylinder in another vendors keyway?
Schlage only offers a limited number of keyways that match the BEST sections. Available in keys and cores.Specify keyway using the B suffix: AB = A, BB=B, CB=C, DB = D, DDB=DD, EB = E, FB = F, GB =...:
Can I get the T series with a Schlage Full Size Interchangeable core?
The T lock can accept a Schlage Full Size core, but the cylinder suffix must be specified as "J IC-SC" so the correct parts are supplied (including the tailpiece) Example: T581J IC-SC: