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hotel cylinder not working
Need support on a battery operated old hotel swipe card lock called Intellis.
This is a discontinued product no longer support. This product rights were purchased by Westinghouse, (800)-227-1667.:
What cylinder is required for the 360L from Von Duprin?
A 1 1/4" mortise cylinder with straight cam (similar to the Schlage B502-191) or a 1 1/2" mortise cylinder with straight cam using supplied spacer collar. Cylinder length does not chan...:
What is the maximum door thickness a Rim cylinder can fit on?
For total thickness measurements larger than 3 inches see the special cylinder offerings in the Schlage Pricebook. Specify the part number and include the total thickness. We do no...:
Is the dogging assembly for the 17/18 device still available?
The 17, 18, & 19 devices use the same dogging assembly part #610480.:
What is the part number for an AL Series cylinder?
Refer to table 1 for the list of Schlage AL-Series cylinders. AL-Series Cylinder Reference Table Function Cylinder Mechanism Complete Cylinder Non-Hotel Functions ...:
What is the cylinder part number for an ND-Series lock?
ND-Series Cylinder Reference Table Function Door Thickness Cylinder Mechanism Complete Cylinder Non-Hotel Functions Standard Conventional 23-065 Primus 20-765 Pri...:
Will the standard cylinder drive bushing on a 1790 device work with my 179L trim?
Step 3 and 4 of 179L Instructions will show the old drive bushing being removed & the new drive bushing getting installed:
How does a Falcon Hotel cylinder operate?
The following document contains information on Falcon (Non I/C) Hotel Cylinders, including part numbers, key requirements and operation. Falcon Hotel Cylinders.:
Explain the function for the L9485.
L9485: Latchbolt retracted by key outside or by knob/lever inside. Outside knob/lever always fixed. Deadbolt thrown or retracted by inside thumbturn. When deadbolt is thrown, all keys become ino...: