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heavy duty arms
Is there a heavy duty arm available for the 4040 mounted pull side?
ST2795 allows the the 4040 to be mounted pull side with a solid (heavy duty) arm.:
What does AVB mean in a closer and which closers are available with this option?
AVB stands for Advanced Variable Backcheck. It is a cylinder option when ordering a 4111 closer (without an ST) that allows backcheck to start at about 45 degrees instead of the normal 75 degrees.T...:
What is the difference between an LCN CUSH arm, and an LCN EDA arm?
EDA ARM - The EDA arm is a heavy duty parallel arm mount. The degree of door opening is determined by the template used for mounting. EDA arm closers can only be mounted as a Push Side parallel ar...:
What are Hold Open Closers & Magnets?
Hold Open Closers & Magnets (Fire/Life safety products) provide a wide range of solutions. Single or multi-point hold open closers Utilize an electromechanical closer. Hold the door o...:
What is a cylindrical lock?
Cylindrical Locks: a bored lockset whose latch or bolt locking mechanism is contained in the portion installed through the cross-boreMedium, high to extra heavy dutyCommercial, multi-family and ins...:
Which closer is the heaviest duty?
The 4010, 4020, 4110, and 4040/4040XP are heavy duty closers.: