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Fusion > Lavinia
What would cause a 4600 (4630/4640) to keep blowing fuses as soon as the 120VAC cable is plugged into control box?
The main AC fuse would blow if there is a direct short across the AC line. This could be caused by a:1. Defective I/O PC Board (-3180) To check - unplug the control box AC power cable (2 wire)...:
Why does the fuse blow in the power supply when arming the Von Duprin Chexit device?
The following could cause the fuse to blow in the power supply with devices shipped prior to 8-24-2015 with solenoid driven when Chexit device is arming. Wrong power supply Confirm PS873 or...:
Why is my Von Duprin CX going into a weak alarm after the rearm delay?
Chexit devices shipped prior to 8-24-2015 with solenoid - the solenoid pulls and drops, the alarm sounds, there is a solid LED or no LED light after the rearm t...:
AC is fuse blowing on a PS914 when AC power is applied.
If AC fuse blowing on a PS914 power supply then the mother board is defective. You need to replace the power supply with a new one.:
Will the MPB-842 or MPB-840 power EL or QEL devices?
The old MPB842 power supply will power up to two EL electric panic bars but will not power the QEL devices. A defective potted module inside the electric panic bar or defective power supply coul...:
What size is the fuse in the PS873?
The DC output fuse in the PS873 power supply is 4 AMP slow blow.: