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What are Hold Open Closers & Magnets?
Hold Open Closers & Magnets (Fire/Life safety products) provide a wide range of solutions. Single or multi-point hold open closers Utilize an electromechanical closer. Hold the door o...:
Can a Cam Lift hinge be used with LCN closers?
Cam Lift hinges can only be used with LCN door closers that have a "Regular" or "Reg hold Open" style arm. Manual Closers:Maximum lift dimension is 3/4".Can not be use (H)EDA, CUSH, or T...:
Can you manually pull a 4040SE out of hold open?
The holding force on an SE/ME Series door closer is approximately 35 lbs. and they can be manually pulled out of hold open with approximately 35 lbs of force. :
How do I wire an EL device to normally hold open the latch and release it during a fire alarm?
Use a normally closed fire alarm as the input to the power supply option board (PS873-2 or PS914-2RS), this will hold the latch retracted. During a fire alarm, the contact will open, dropping...:
What would cause an ME Series closer (2310ME/4310ME/4410ME) to pop back into hold open as it is closing?
This condition can be caused by the "closing speed adjustment" being regulated for a fast closing speed. Try adjusting the closing speed to slow down the closing of the door. If that does not corre...:
Can a magnet, or sentronic device, be released and close the door from a button at a desk?
If a door is being held open by the LCN SEM 7800/1900 magnet or any ME/SE Series Sentronic LCN closer, you can remotely release that door to close by ordering the following parts and wiri...: