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Electric classroom lockset
What is the difference between a classroom and an entry lock?
CLASSROOM LOCK: A lock that locks and unlocks the outside lever with a key. Inside is always free egress. ENTRY LOCK: A lock that locks and unlocks the outside lever with button/turn on the insi...:
How does a classroom deadbolt lock operate?
Classroom Deadbolt Lock (ANSI Function: E0171 for B663/763/863 and D111, E0172 for B563 and D211 )Deadbolt thrown or retracted by key outside. Inside turn unit will retract bolt only. Bolt au...:
Why does my 7500 retract the latch bolt but not re-lock the trim?
Tips for changing the function: The NL Drive screw will not be visible when lock body is set to Classroom function There is locktite on the screw that makes it seem like its turned down enou...:
What is the Lock Modes/States for Apartment Function?
AD Series UI Matrix:
What is the difference between the classroom and storeroom functions?
ANSI F84 Classroom Lock Outside lever locked and unlocked by key. Inside lever always unlocked for immediate egress. ANSI F86 Storeroom Lock Outside lever fixed. Entra...:
Available kits to convert classroom mortise locks to classroom security locks.
Schlage has conversion kits to convert the classroom L/LV9070 to the classroom security L/LV9071 and the classroom holdback L/LV9076 to the classroom security holdback L/LV9077. The...: