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door slams open
Why would a Senior Swing door slam shut?
The Senior Swing has a built in circuit that controls closing speed through the motor. If the door is slamming, there must be a broken gear in the gearbox and the gearbox will need to be replaced.:
What would cause a Falcon 8200 (8230/8240) operator to slam the door closed?
The Benchmark 9100 series and Falcon 8200 Series operator will allow the door to slam if: The motor is not connected (plugged into) the controller as the closing speed is controlled by a c...:
What would cause a door closer to slam?
There are a few things that can cause a closer to slam. The closer could be adjusted incorrectly. Turn all regulating screws clockwise until they stop. Then open each valve 1 and 1/2 turns. If t...:
How do you adjust a door closer?
How to: What are the steps to adjust a door closer? Facts: All LCN and FALCON door closers will have 3 regulating valves and a spring adjustment. All cl...:
Is there adjustment limits on the regulation valves of LCN manual closers?
The regulation valves are designed to adjust the flow the hydraulic fluid in the closer which regulates the door closing speed through various phases of the closing cycle. The regulation valv...:
Will CX re-arm if door is held open?
If a door position switch (DPS) is connected across the green and white wires of the old CX (green and red of new CX) the CX would go into alarm if the door is held open when it attempts to rearm.&...:
Can a magnet, or sentronic device, be released and close the door from a button at a desk?
If a door is being held open by the LCN SEM 7800/1900 magnet or any ME/SE Series Sentronic LCN closer, you can remotely release that door to close by ordering the following parts and wiri...: