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D series parts manual
Are there any instructions for Von Duprin device maintenance?
Please see the Maintenance Kit Manual for information on device lubrication as well as complete breakdowns and parts lists for Von Duprin exit devices.Exit devices and latc...:
How do you convert an AL44 to an AL40?
To convert the AL44 to an AL40 you can replace the outside plunger unit in the chassis or order the AL40 chassis. Replacing the plunger unit is more difficult and time consuming and would not be r...:
Where are the part manuals for Falcon exits?
Falcon (19. 24, 25, and XX) parts manuals for Exits are downloadable on the :
Will a 914KIL or a 914-KIL-IC work with my older 19 series exit device?
The (2) mounting studs on the 914KIL or 914KIL-IC changed from 3 1/2" center to center to 4 1/2" CTC in April 2002 to follow a device center case change. Due to this, an older device prior to April...:
What was the part number for the old D series levers spring cage?
The old D series springcage part numbers are as follows: C303-035 - Inside Springcage C303-036 - Outside Springcage These parts are no longer available.:
Why is the Von Duprin 55 or 88 series crossbar sagging?
There are a number of reasons the Von Duprin 55 or 88 series cross bar may not operate properly: The hinge case spring lifts both lever arms and the crossbar. To check spring, pu...:
Which conventional cylinder cam is used with an Adams Rite MS series lock?
L583-446; Schlage Adams Rite MS modular cam used on 1 1/8", 1 3/8" and 1 5/8" cylinders L583-447; Schlage Adams Rite MS modular cam used on 1 1/4", 1 1/2" and 1 3/4" cylinders B502-944; Sch...:
When was the ME high residential and 505 finish discontinued?
The ME trim was discontinued in 2001 and no longer available.:
What is the part number for an AL Series cylinder?
Refer to table 1 for the list of Schlage AL-Series cylinders. AL-Series Cylinder Reference Table Function Cylinder Mechanism Complete Cylinder Non-Hotel Functions ...:
Are there parts available for the old D lever locks?
The D lever was discontinued in October 2003 and there are no parts available.:
What is the part number for the double cylinder non-IC snap-on faceplate?
B600-092 is the inside snap-on faceplate for all non-IC double cylinder B562 and B662/762/862 deadbolts.:
How do you remove an AL lock from a door?
AL-Series and discontinued D Lever-Series locks use castle nuts to hold the chassis to the spring cages and to keep the chassis positioned in the door. This causes confusion at times when the lock ...: