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d series discontinuation
Are there parts available for the old D lever locks?
The D lever was discontinued in October 2003 and there are no parts available.:
What replaced the D400 series or the D800 series?
Part compatibility (Old vs new): With the exception of the cylinder, most of the parts are neither backward nor forward compatible. This includes the deadbolt. The cylinder mechanism for al...:
When was the ME high residential and 505 finish discontinued?
The ME trim was discontinued in 2001 and no longer available.:
What replaced the old D series lever locks?
The old D series lever lock was replaced by the ND lock in September 2003.:
Are there parts available for the obsolete 330 series door closer?
The 330 closer and parts were discontinued in early 2009. LCN does not have any parts available for the 330 series closer. The LCN 3030 Series would be the comparable closer replacement to the...:
Where can I find discontinued G lock templates?
Schlage G Series template locate here. :
What replaced the B400 deadbolt?
The Schlage B400 deadbolt was a grade 2 deadbolt and was discontinued April 1, 1996. Its replacement was the B100 grade 2 deadbolt and no parts were compatible between the two.:
When was e.Primus discontinued?
e.Primus was an electronic lock system that used iButton credentials to unlock a door. Product was discontinued in July of 2002 with parts were available only for a short time. Product support fo...: